The pool with twins

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sharerc, Jun 20, 2009.

  1. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    We've gone to the pool a few times with DH and I've taken all the girls a few times by myself. I'm not a fan of life jackets AT ALL (aside from the lake or beach). I don't think they teach kids how to be safe in the water. And I don't think they teach them how to learn to swim. It worked with my oldest and she was jumping off the diving board alone before her 3rd birthday. But man the twins are going to give me a run for my money! Mallory is a freaking maniac in the pool. She does not care if she goes under. Today I was trying to scare her so she would pay more attention. I'd let her stay under for a few seconds before getting her. But she comes up laughing! WHAT! Samantha is much more reserved but will still jump into the pool carefree. Mallory has also learned how to throw herself out of the little floaties I bought for being in the big pool.

    Is anyone else dealing with this? I feel like all I'm doing at the pool is keeping them from diving in! And Mallory isn't even walking yet. I can't imagine how she will be when she is walking!

    Also, swim shoes. They need them. Sam is still in a size 3 though. Has anyone seen them this small? She's a midget!

    Someone sympathize with me. We spend several days a week at the pool and I'm afraid I might go insane!
  2. brookbranplus2

    brookbranplus2 Well-Known Member

    Umm I've only taken the boys swimming once so far and with my Dh. I don't think I will be taking them by myself for a long long time. I do think your pretty brave to be doing that.
  3. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    I don't take my kids in the water by myself and don't think I will for a LONG time. They are taking ISR swim lessons (maybe a thought for you to get some peace of mind?), but I still don't feel they are safe around or in water without at least a 1:1 adult ratio. That's just my family, though.

    You're a brave woman to even think about taking them to the pool alone!!
  4. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    yes you are brave - wow! I have taken both of mine swimming by myself a few times, and DH has done it as well - as we have a pool in our backyard, but it is not easy and not relaxing at all. We use floaty tube things to set them in (when they stay in them) and water wings, but usually it takes a lot of maneuvering, running around and making sure no one gets in the pool without an adult ready to catch them. I often end up carrying both of them around in the water, or sitting them both on the edge while they play with toys and I have a hand on both of them. They like it, but I find it utterly exhausting, that is why I always prefer a one-on-one ratio.

    Good luck!
  5. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    I looked into the ISR swim lessons but there aren't any close to us. There was one but it's offered once I start back to work in August. We are scheduled for mommy and me classes in July. I have my niece and a babysitter coming to help with that. It should be interesting.

    I'm not concerned with their safety or I wouldn't be taking them to the pool. They are both within reaching distance from me at all times and I normally am with a friend that will also help if need be. I do think they need to learn how to stay close though, as any kid does. It's not fair to my oldest to stop doing the things we normally do in the summers. Otherwise, we would not be there as often since it is exhausting! The twins are going to their sitters once a week and I'm looking forward to going to the pool and being able to lay out!
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I can't say that my kids are daredevils around the pool because we have not used our big pool yet this year (due to bad weather and our pool cleaner broke, the replacement is able to be picked up today). In the little pool they either like to sit and splash around or stand and dump water out.
    You are very brave to take them by yourself. I don't think I could work up enough nerve to do that, I would have to have DH or someone else there!
  7. eviedc

    eviedc Well-Known Member

    I'm so happy to see this post. I have two older girls and the pool is our second home in the summer. Last year was easy. I would strap them to me in my Moby and all was good. This year not so much. I would prefer a 1:1 ratio but I can't coop up my older kids at home. So, we go and I deal for two hours! I bring LOTS of snacks.

    Rory is my little maniac. Jonas is much calmer. We have those baby rings but they already are trying to climb out of them! I have seen those shirts with floats attached. I am thinking about buying those.

    So anyhow, I don't have any help just wanted to let you know that I am in the exact same place.

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