The Little Gym

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sharerc, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    We are doing a trial class tomorrow at the Little Gym. I always did these classes with my oldest and think they are pretty important. So now that DD1 is no longer playing on 2 soccer teams, I have time to do Little Gym with the twins. DH will be able to come every other Saturday and help. But for the other Saturdays, I will be solo with the girls. I think it's manageable but wanted to know if others are currently doing it. If so, any tips?
  2. littletwinstars

    littletwinstars Well-Known Member

    Our children are older, but we started Little Gym shortly after their 3rd birthday. Our DS takes the Mini Jacks class and our DD takes Jazzy Bugs. They both really like their classes, but since their 3+ years old...a parent does not have to accompany them. I purposely put them in different classes because I wanted them to each have their "own thing." It also allows me to have some alone time with the other while one is taking his/her class. Sorry, I can't really give you suggestions/advice on attending the younger classes with twins.

    We are now almost at the end of the semester and each class will be performing a show. It is our first time participating, but I believe it is a show that allows each child to highlight his/her skills. All parents, friends, and family are invited. They are so excited. We also have accumulated enough points that we'll probably have their 4th birthday party there. :)
  3. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    I started Little Gym with my girls right after they started walking and we continued until a few months ago. I loved it! I definitely worked a lot harder than the parents of singletons, but it was manageable and the instructor frequently used one of my kids as the demo child, so that helped me out. If you go into it with the attitude that you're there just to have fun and who cares if there are a few meltdowns, falldowns or bumps, then you'll do great.

    Oh - Little Gym near me even had a twins discount!
  4. debfitz

    debfitz Well-Known Member

    Mine have been going since they were about 7months old. It has helped them tremendously with their development. And they LOVE it!! It's totally manageable with one person, however easier with two...of course. I've done it alone many times, but I will bring help when I can.
  5. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    I go to My Gym. Somewhat similar though I think they do less gymnastics than The Little Gym and is less expensive. They do tumbling, but just less of it. I go alone usually every week with my boys. The staff there are very helpful and will usually hold one of my boys and use him to show everyone else the exercises, songs, and other activities...assuming he's in the mood to let him or her do this. They REALLY love it there! They play games, they interact with the other kids their age and have time to play with mommy/daddy. On one occasion DH went and he seemed to have a good time, but he was feeling a little shy with the lack of other dads there. Other dads do show up sometimes, but it's usually the moms that bring their LO's.

    Wherever you take your kids, I highly recommend it. Even alone. You can talk to the staff and see if they will help you out and what would they do since you can't do everythign with both your kids at the same time when it's just you.
  6. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    Well we went this morning and they did great. They listened better than the majority of the kids there and luckily both stayed with me when they got free play. I'm sure we will sign up. Just gotta talk to DH about the $720 that they want for 19 classes. OMG!
  7. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    Chipmonkey- I just looked into My Gym and there is one closer than the Little Gym actually. Definitely more reasonable on the pocket book too! Do they follow a routine or is it mainly freeplay (like Gymboree)? That is the reason I chose Little Gym over Gymboree. There was too much "go do whatever you want". I want the twins to learn how to follow a routine, follow directions, take turns, etc.
  8. littletwinstars

    littletwinstars Well-Known Member

    Little Gym can definitely be expensive, but there are a few upsides...
    1. You can accumulate points when you register for classes.
    2. You get a discount for your 2nd child.
    3. Your one year membership begins when you start the classes (versus only at the beginning of the calendar year).
    4. You can easily make up classes that you have missed. The make up classes stay within your family so if one child misses a class, the make up class can be used by another family member.
    5. They have priority enrollment deals where you can accumulate more points and get additional discounts.
    6. They have parents night out and other themed activity days (we haven't done these, yet)
    7. You can used your accumulated points for various perks (we're having their 4th b'day party there solely on points!)
    8. You can try out a class before you enroll
    9. They often have "bring a friend" to class.

    ** I feel like I'm their PR rep! ;)
  9. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    I have been taking my duo to MyGym since they were 12 months old and I LOVE IT! It is in NO way relaxing, but I agree with the pp that it's all about the expectation you have going...that it's going to be fun and you'll be moving! It flies by! The staff is extremely helpful when they can be, and I find at this age (19 mos.) it's become easier in the sense that they are walking steadily.
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