The girls will be one in a few weeks :)

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by sheila185, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. sheila185

    sheila185 Well-Known Member

    Allison and Tori will be one soon. I made the invitations that had a circle theme; it was what popped in my head at the time and they came together rather nicely. It read... "It's been colorful, It's been Fun come and celebrate Allison and Tori turning one!" (the saying came from an online search)

    Anyways of course we are on a budget but still want to try to make it cute and fun. So I am looking for ideas for food that is in the shape of circles and easy to make. All I have figured out so far are meatball sandwiches with homeade sauce. I also think I might make the cakes rather then spend a ton of money on purchasing one. I am torn on whether to let them smash their one in their high chairs or put a table cloth on the floor and let them destroy one together?

    Any ideas?

    thanks :)... We ALMOST survived the first year YAY!
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    You can always do:

    sandwiches cut out in the shape of circles with a cookie cutter (or a tuna can cleaned and cut out both top and bottom to make a circular cutter)
    bagel pizzas (mini bagels, sauce, cheese, a single pepperoni slice or a slick of sausage
    round crackers with cheese/summer sausage
    cupcakes because they are all round
    fruit salad with watermelon balls, cantelope balls, honeydew balls, globe grapes (buy a melon baller)

    I would let them each have their own cake. If you make one, you can make a circular cake, then cut it in half before you frost it. Then keep it together on a plate until you give it to the girls, then just give each one half of it. We bought a cake from a grocery store, they gave us two smash cakes when we told them it was for twins.

    ETA: Congratulations on your two healthy girls!

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