The girls started this new thing

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by SassyLittleDevil, Jan 18, 2008.

  1. SassyLittleDevil

    SassyLittleDevil Active Member

    My son never did this when he was a baby but my girls both do this now..when I change thier diaper they grab at themselves (down there) :eek: it never fails
    The second the diaper is off the hands go down's so annoying cause if it's a dirty diaper then I'm holding the feet up with one hand and wipes in the other hand..I'm not an octopus here I only have two of couse it's in there fingers..oh so annoying..and I'm also scared they are going to scratch themselves too cause that will hurt especially when the diaper is wet...
    Anyone else with this problem or are my girls just weird <_< oh and I've tried to put something in thier hands before hand to keep them busy and it's something i would never let them normally play with and the second the diapers are off they drop it and the hands go down.. :angry:
    What is a mother to do.....

    Thanks for letting me vent
  2. Laura in Alaska

    Laura in Alaska Well-Known Member

    One of my girls has started doing this too. It's just natural curiosity, but when they have dirty diapers it is a PITA. I've managed to find an entertaining toy or move really quick to avoid any major messes, but I'm sure my day will come! I try to give her time to check herself out once she's clean and before I put the new diaper on. But by then she's usually over it and ready to go play. :p
  3. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    One of my sons does this... it's just a normal part of the self-exploration process... perfectly natural & normal.
  4. serranoboys

    serranoboys Well-Known Member

    Braxton does this as well. I think it's kind of funny ;)
  5. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    Yes, B does this every chance he gets. And grossly, he has gotten poo on his hands! :bad: Yuck! But like you said, you only have 2 hands! I try to hold both feet and his hands in one hand, but inevitably- a hand gets loose! Don't have any advice- just sending good luck!
  6. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    One girl does this for me too... just make sure those lil hands dont make it to the mouth!! EWWWW!! I give her something like my watch or phone (a hint from another TS mommy!) to keep her hands busy. My babies both really like to rub diaper wipes between their hands, anyone else?? So I give them a wipe to hold and play with while I change them! LOL I HTH!
  7. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    Both of my boys do this EVERY SINGLE TIME I have their diapers off. I also saw my friend's son do this the second she took his diaper off and they are the same age. I always tell them they're going to hurt them selves but they don't seem to listen :lol: . I too just try and give them something that I don't normally give them to play with if I know we have a messy diaper to change and I have the wipe right there and ready.
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