The gang is all here

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by megkc03, Jul 7, 2011.

  1. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Man oh man oh man. I can't believe it. Annabella turned 2 on June 10. I know I know...I'm almost a month late...oops! This officially means I have all three kids in here. Boohoo. My babies are all growing up! Make it STOP!

    That said...she is such a joy(most I will say, she is most definitely a girl and giving me and dh a run for our money! She knows what she wants when she wants, and that was yesterday! She is more work than the boys put together, but she is oh so worth it! :wub: She's a little clone of myself when I was little, just with a bit more kick in her step! ;)

    Annabella is quite the talker, which is neat to see because the boys were in speech at her age. She's a talking machine and has been since 18 months or so, if not earlier. She eats more than the boys do together! She loves wearing her dresses, and tends to twirl around when I put one on. She loves music and singing songs with her brothers. She has an insane amount of energy, and at every chance she gets-she JUMPS. Oh my goodness does she love to jump! :) And, she loves to make a mess....don't get me started on that! She is just as happy as playing with the boys cars as she is with her dolls.

    In all honesty, I was sooo worried about adding #3 when the boys were only 19 months old. I thought I was doing something detrimental to them(hormones, ya know). And let me tell you, on a daily basis, the three of them make my heart melt. She just loves her brothers to absolute pieces! When she wakes in the morning, they are the first names she speaks. And when she sees them, she goes all kind of crazy in my arms! If they are out of her sight for more than 10 minutes, she wonders where they are. Where they go, she follows. And it is definitely reciprocated by them. They adore her and she totally looks up to them! :wub:

    Annabella most certainly completed this family, and what a wonderful completion she was! :wub:

    Here are a few before/after photos:
    Newborn #1
    Meeting big brothers
    One Week Old!

    First Birthday!

    Birthday girl!
    Buzz Buzz!
    Best Friends
    Just the two of us

    My biggest downfall...never able to decide on a 'few' photos! :FIFblush:
    2 people like this.
  2. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    How on Earth can she be 2 already?????? Are you sure!! LOL!! It just doesn't seem possible!! I just love the relationship the three of them have!! So sweet!!! And my girlies are giving us a run for our money too!! These two make me realize that my boys were easy at this age! And EAT!!! Everyone says teenage boys will eat you out of house and home - they must not have little girls LOL!!!

    It won't let me see th pics,! It says currently unavailable!
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :wub: She is so adorable! You have a beautiful family Meaghan!
  4. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Wow I can't believe she is 2. I feel like you were just pregnant with her.
  5. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Heather, I have no idea!!! I changed the pics, hopefully you can see them now! :) And are you on FB? And if so-why aren't we friends?!?! :give_rose: :aggressive:

    Thanks ladies! I can't believe she is two either! I swear it goes by faster and faster every year! :cry: She really keeps us laughing-hysterically! And thank you on my family. I think my kids are mighty cute myself! :)
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