The dreaded 45 min wake-up

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Magpie76, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. Magpie76

    Magpie76 Well-Known Member

    So I know we all tend to discuss that 45 min point when the babes transition from sleep cycles and accidently wake up from naps. But what do you do about it? I mean I get what’s happening logically, so how can we help them stay asleep as they pass through that point?

    Would it help to intervene right before and perhaps change them into a different position – maybe tummy sleep if I’m able to watch?

    Should I be standing by to replace a binky as they start stirring?

    Should I pop a 2 oz bottle in quickly before they can wake up and try to keep them sleepy/full?

    All these things seem like they’re “bad” parenting somehow – like I’m being too controlling and not letting their little bodies express their needs. But then I also know that they need to be well rested and it’s my job to help them. *Sigh*

  2. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I usually let them cry for a few mins, if it gets out of control I try patting their butts or rubbing their backs, if all else fails I rock them. Usually their eyeballs are still closed anyways:) Good luck!
  3. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    I have the same problem, although my twins often wake up after just 20 minutes or so. They tend to fight off my attempts to soothe them back to sleep, especially DH. I don't know what to do about it either. If I let them cry for very long, then it's all over and they won't go back to sleep.
  4. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    At 3 months, I think I would go pop the binky back in! At 6 months or so, I would let them cry a bit before going in.

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    I'm still figuring this one out... but what has worked for us (so far!) is tummy sleeping all the time, putting the paci back in, and sometimes letting them fuss for a few minutes while going back to sleep.

    Some days, it doesn't work and I just get one up so she doesn't wake the other... but I am really trying lately to let them work it out and just get used to the other's crying as they need good naps! It is interesting, though - 45 minutes, on the dot! Amazing how sleep cycles work. :)
  6. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    We were doing about 45 min naps up until the 4 month mark and they they started giving me predictable morning nap after they were awake for an hour and 15 minutes or so. I would try to replace the pacifier and it that doesnt work I would just assume they are done.
  7. Kleppard

    Kleppard Well-Known Member

    I have them same issue. The babies wake up after 45 minutes laughing and ready to play. But 5 minutes later they are screaming because they are still tried. I heard that if your babies sleep well at night (mine do) then they tend not to be as good nappers and vice versa. Friends have also told me that with time they will learn to sleep longer and longer on their own. In the mean time, my babies have three 45 minute naps and 1 1.5 hour nap at lunchtime. The longer nap I have to rock them back to sleep for the second cycle.
  8. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Leppette @ Jun 20 2009, 08:51 AM) [snapback]1361740[/snapback]
    I have them same issue. The babies wake up after 45 minutes laughing and ready to play. But 5 minutes later they are screaming because they are still tried. I heard that if your babies sleep well at night (mine do) then they tend not to be as good nappers and vice versa. Friends have also told me that with time they will learn to sleep longer and longer on their own. In the mean time, my babies have three 45 minute naps and 1 1.5 hour nap at lunchtime. The longer nap I have to rock them back to sleep for the second cycle.

    This is a good point and I do have proof that this holds true. Well, at least it does in our house! Yesterday our central air went out. It got up to 90 degrees in here. Needless to say we were all miserable. It was really freaking hot! The girls just refused to sleep. I don't blame them because I can't sleep in hot weather either. They didn't fall asleep until almost 11 p.m. and woke at their usual 6:30 p.m. When I put them down for their morning nap at 8 they were out and are still sleeping with it being close to 11. They wouldn't do this normally if they slept their normal 12 hours. I am amazed that they are still sleeping! I think their naps will go quite well today, but I'm sure tomorrow will be a different story.

    So, do I keep them up later? I'm still on the fence about that. DH and I believe that 9, 10, or 11 p.m. is way too late for a little baby to be going to bed.
  9. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Christine no time is really "too late" for a baby, as they will just shift their schedule around and sleep later in the morning. My older 2 kids never went to bed until their dad got home from work at 1am, and always slept late in the morning (around 11am). Now my hubby is on a different work shift so the twins go to bed between 11-12 pm, and get up around 9:30 or so. They still get the same amount of sleep as a baby on an earlier schedule just at a different time of day! :)

    I had never heard that about the 45 mins sleep cycles but I do see that happening with the twins, especially in the afternoon. My dd will consistently wake up early from her nap but be SO grouchy!! I can tell she's still tired but refusing to nap. I do tummy sleep them during the day on the couch with me, and that helps some, I'm hoping soon they'll fall into a more consistent nap pattern, I think my older 2 did around 4-6 months of age.
  10. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Danibell @ Jun 20 2009, 10:52 AM) [snapback]1361865[/snapback]
    Christine no time is really "too late" for a baby, as they will just shift their schedule around and sleep later in the morning. My older 2 kids never went to bed until their dad got home from work at 1am, and always slept late in the morning (around 11am). Now my hubby is on a different work shift so the twins go to bed between 11-12 pm, and get up around 9:30 or so. They still get the same amount of sleep as a baby on an earlier schedule just at a different time of day! :)

    I had never heard that about the 45 mins sleep cycles but I do see that happening with the twins, especially in the afternoon. My dd will consistently wake up early from her nap but be SO grouchy!! I can tell she's still tired but refusing to nap. I do tummy sleep them during the day on the couch with me, and that helps some, I'm hoping soon they'll fall into a more consistent nap pattern, I think my older 2 did around 4-6 months of age.

    But IMO there is a too late of a time. My nephew had a very late bedtime when he was a baby, which was something that he got used to. Now, at 3 years old, my sister can't put him to bed before 11 p.m. it's best to start them off with good bedtime habits early on. :)
  11. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Magpie76 @ Jun 18 2009, 04:08 PM) [snapback]1359362[/snapback]
    So I know we all tend to discuss that 45 min point when the babes transition from sleep cycles and accidently wake up from naps. But what do you do about it? I mean I get what’s happening logically, so how can we help them stay asleep as they pass through that point?

    Would it help to intervene right before and perhaps change them into a different position – maybe tummy sleep if I’m able to watch?

    Should I be standing by to replace a binky as they start stirring?

    Should I pop a 2 oz bottle in quickly before they can wake up and try to keep them sleepy/full?

    All these things seem like they’re “bad” parenting somehow – like I’m being too controlling and not letting their little bodies express their needs. But then I also know that they need to be well rested and it’s my job to help them. *Sigh*


    How frustrating are the 45mins naps!!!! For the first 5 an abit months i was in there replacing paci's, rocking and stroking back to sleep. It worked up until recently, we found that the girls were unable to keep themselves asleep without our assistance and in the the end even our assistance couldn't keep them asleep for longer than 20mins so we decided to try CIO. So when it gets to 45m and they wake we leave them alone to go back to sleep, i don't want to speak too soon but the last couple of days they have been sleeping for no less than 1hr30mins. This is from leaving them alone to learn to go back to sleep, obviously it involves some crying/whining but we had exhausted all other options?! The first few days of nap training were a complete misery as they could not get past 30/45mins but so far in there naps have lengthened. Although i am struggling with the 3rd nap for 1 of my girls, she fails to get it somedays so we still leave her to try but if not we get them up after 1hr and move bedtime forward abit. Everyone says naps lengthen with age so at least we know this is just temporary.
  12. Neumsy

    Neumsy Well-Known Member

    45 minute naps make me want to cry. I mean, really, do you guys find that when that whimper starts on the baby monitor your heart just sinks? I have to admit to turning the monitor way down and letting them CIO for 20 minutes or so. It rarely ever takes that long. We never, ever rocked or held them til they slept though, so that could be why...all I know for sure is that it
  13. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    still working on the nap training. it's been going okay the past few days as we have stopped with CIO for longer than 10 minutes, which is usually all it takes. I was going in every 30 minutes, but i don't think the girls were getting it. so, we have slowed down a bit with the CIO if that makes sense. For auri, it seems that rocking her for a few seconds gets her calmed down to the point where she can go back to sleep. Izzi usually just needs her paci reinserted. If things don't get better by the end of this month we will start with CIO again, but do extinction. I'm hoping they get better...I really can't stand hearing them cry and scream especially when it's so easy for me to go in their room and try to help. I feel so guilty leaving them to cry.
  14. paulacraft1

    paulacraft1 Well-Known Member

    I wait until they are really crying (not just talking), then I go in and give a pacy and turn on their music (that I typically turn on when they first go down for their nap/bed) and leave. The faster the better. If they have been napping well and not doing 45min and this is the first in a long time (they backtrack a lot) they will scream bloody murder and I don't go back in until the 1hr30 min mark is up whether or not they fall back asleep.
    Usually by the 2nd/3rd nap/bedtime they won't do it anymore.....
  15. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    I was always told you got your best, deepest, most repairative sleep in the hours before midnight. The twins go down at 5:30/ Milo down at 6:30/7 and Ella down at 7:30. Everyone wakes up between 7 and 8 the next morning. Three months, thier (and you :)) are still figuring things out. Eventually they will start to get the idea. You can try and encourage them with things like the binky, white noise stuff like that like the pps said. I also, just like at night time, would not play with them during what should be nap time. Still let them "rest" even if they are not sleeping. you'll get there, it just takes time.
  16. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Neumsy @ Jun 22 2009, 11:22 AM) [snapback]1363494[/snapback]
    I mean, really, do you guys find that when that whimper starts on the baby monitor your heart just sinks? why...all I know for sure is that it

    Like a lead balloon!!!!! <_<

    I'm so proud of my pair today! They are both teething BADLY obviously they have been abit grouchy so i thought naps would suffer but they have been amazing all day!! I hope this isn't just a "good day" fingers tightly crossed that they have turned that corner ha ha ha what you betting i just spoke to soon!!!
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