The diaper rash in our house it going to kill me!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sbcowell, Apr 7, 2009.

  1. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    Ok, my DS is such a happy little guy, rarely ever cries or gets upset. But today is a totally different story! First off, I feel awful because he cried for a minute at 9pm, midnight and 4am last night - I didn't go to him because he stopped crying to quickly...and then he woke up crying at 530am - so I went in and got him and held him and he immediately feel asleep while I was holding him (he hasn't fallen asleep on my shoulder since he was about 2 months old!), then I decided to change his diaper - well, there was a huge poop and raw/red skin - the poor little guy cried and cried everytime I wiped him!

    So today I have let him go around without a diaper on, oh the joys of that. He also has some diarrhea, so I have been busy all morning cleaning up poop and pee off the floor, holding DS, and holding DD (who thinks that if DS screams that she needs to as well), changing my shirts (3 times already) because they are covered in poop. Poor DS every time I do put a diaper on him he cries and screams - I was able to negotiate putting a diaper on so that he could go on our swing outside. I am guessing this afternoon is going to much the same as this morning!

    I think I am going to go crazy with this screaming/crying! I have lots of empathy for DS because I know it must really hurt for him to cry so much...not really sure what the point of my post is other then to vent!
  2. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Whenever we dealt with a horrible diaper rash, I used triple paste. That stuff is amazing! Slather it on at every change until his skin is intact again. It creates a barrier so that the poop sticks to the cream rather than his skin so wiping it off isn't as painful. I hope it clears quickly; it's so hard to see them hurthing.
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: to you and your DS! I hope he feels better soon! Our game plan with diaper rash has been to let them air out and using a thick coating of petroleum jelly or triple paste usually does the trick. Also we will use either a warm rag or paper towel as wipes until the rash clears up. Good luck!
  4. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Maybe a warm bath, then let it air out and then some soothing diaper cream. :hug: I hope it clears up soon.
  5. babymOmmax2

    babymOmmax2 Well-Known Member

    We have horrible diaper rash here too! It seems like no matter how much cream I put on it, almost every poop comes with a red and chaffed butt. It doesn't help much either when he wakes up with poop in his diaper on occasion, meaning he's been sleeping in it for some time <_<
  6. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    :hug: Yes, a warm bath might help... followed by a generous coating of ointment. Do you know why it is happening? My two would always have red butts when they had juice or too much yogurt at that age. Grandma just didn't understand and was never around with the red butts. (I wasn't the one giving them juice or yogurt.) :hug: I hope you find the answer soon!
  7. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    We battled the worst diaper rash last fall. It was so horrible! I agree that using warm cloths instead of wipes helped at diaper changes. Also, pat him dry or let him air out before putting a diaper back on him. And we had a lot of success with Aquaphor. We put it on really thick.

    :hug: Diaper rashes are no fun! I hope he's feeling better soon!
  8. Andi German

    Andi German Well-Known Member

    Poor guy - it's horrible when you know it hurts so much. The only thing I have found works out here is Bepanthanol (SP?) cream - the oil based (not water based) - it is excellent. Hope it clears up soon!
  9. twinmuffin

    twinmuffin Well-Known Member

    When my babies get diaper rash to the point that they cry when I wipe them, I just hold their little bums under the bathtub faucet until it all comes off. Have to clean the bathtub after that, but it seems like it doesn't hurt that way. I hope he gets better soon. My doc actually told me last time I was in to mix Maalox with petroleum jelly - I haven't tried it yet, but if we get another bad case that's what I'm going to try.
  10. jdio33

    jdio33 Well-Known Member

    Sorry for all the crying. Have you ever tried Aqua Phore? I get it at wal-mart in the medicine part. Their ped told us about it and it works really good. They have had the raw red rash disapear in a day when I used that stuff.
  11. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    To summarize and add too:

    Warm bath
    air dry bum
    allow lots of naked time
    slather on a THICK layer of cream EVERY diaper change. My pedi says to lather it on like you're icing a cake and it doesnt cost you a dime
    Use warm washcloths with just plain water - no wipes

    Lay off juice, fruit, and all DAIRY (milk, cheese, yogurt) for 1 week.

    This too shall pass and its usually just a few days :)
  12. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    Just to add we actually used a hair dryer to dry their little butts when it was bad. We would put it on low (and move it around alot) or the cool setting. They loved it and when in hurry it was a big help with the drying out process.
  13. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    we are on day 2 of the diaper rash dilema, I am nearly in tears over this. DS screams and cries almost all day long, I have resorted to giving him Tylenol (which by the way didn't work), so I am now using motrin - and that seems to help a bit. I live in the middle east where good products are hard to fine - Andig - thanks I just went out and bought the bepanthanol - I have used it only once so far, but I hope it helps.

    I have let DS go around without a diaper on for awhile today, but the problem is that he wants to go outside in the swing (he goes to the window, points and cries), and I have tried putting him in the swing without his diaper and he screams, so I do put a diaper on and at least he is semi-happy while swinging.

    i am using washcloths with warm water to wipe his bum now, so hopefully something starts to help soon!

    I have just had enough of the screaming so I put them both to bed so I could regroup for 30minutes. DH hopefully will be home soon...

    He also has diarrhea at the same time as the diaper rash, so I am trying not to give him I have been giving more juice....but if you guys suggest no juice and no milk - what do I feed him for liquid? just water? isn't that bad if he has diarrhea?
  14. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I would try a BRAT diet to see if that helps the diarrhea- bananas, rice, apples, toast. Bananas should help bind him up a bit, but until the diarrhea goes away it will keep irritating the rash. If he wants to swing can you put a towel down on the swing or a cloth diaper and still let him go pantless. Is it warm enough for that? :hug:
  15. jewels707

    jewels707 Well-Known Member

    My MIL said corn starch is very soothing.
  16. *Sully*

    *Sully* Well-Known Member

    I didn't read all of the replies, so forgive me if I repeat. DD gets this type of rash that makes her cry and cry and just miserable. The ONLY thing that I can use on her is Aquaphor and I slather it on thick (even though it is $$) bc it works.

    The other thing that my mom told me when they were tiny was to place the palm of your hand on their bottom and cover the rash. I'm sure this is an old wives tale, but I swear if I do this for her multiple times/day, use the Aquaphor liberally and change diapers constantly to keep the pee off the rash, it usually heals in a couple days.

    I hope things improve. I really recommend staying away from any creams that have zinc in them. They make this so much worse for DD when she has a rash.
  17. Bridgett

    Bridgett Well-Known Member

    Madison just had the worst diaper rash, combined with diarhea last week. Every time she went in her diaper it was diahrrea - went from 5or 6 diapers a day to 15 - no kidding, which made for a very raw butt.

    Our pedi told us to first stop the dairy, including milk, mac and cheese, anything like that for several days and have a very bland diet - the ABC diet - apples, bananas and cereal. Give lots of pedialite and water.

    Then she said to get a tube of hydrocortizone cream (1/2 a percent, not the 1 percent kind - we had to ask the pharmacist) - put that on first and let that sit for 2 minutes - I used the hair dryer to sort of dry it a little. Then, our pedi told us to put zinc oxide over that - put on tons like icing. She said do not use diaper rash creams with zinc oxide in them but just the plain old tube of zinc oxcide.

    I would just use warm wash cloths, and I'd keep a diaper on her but kept it very loose.

    Within 24 hours, the rash was 70% gone.

    :hug: I know it's hearbreaking....
  18. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    Plain water is just fine! especially for diarrhea as you dont want him to get dehydrated. Pedialytle is also a good choice. If he get sick of drinking plain water you can always add a smidge of crystal light for flavor.

    My doctor always said feed them starchy junk food too when they have diarrhea- things like RICE, FRENCH FRIES, and of course the normal Bananas (up to 2 a day), apples, toast, crackers etc.
  19. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    I only skimmed the previous replies but I don't think I saw this one mentioned:

    If you put a little baking soda into the bath, that is also very soothing and healing for skin.
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