The BEST roadtrip staple!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by efmolly, Oct 15, 2010.

  1. efmolly

    efmolly Well-Known Member

    We just got home from Utah (13 hrs each way), and I discovered the greatest thing for keeping the boys happy! I gave them each a sucker (Dum Dum) that I found, and it was amazing! Silence for over an hour! I'm not a big fan of giving them sugar, and they rarely get candy, but I think I will be stocking up on suckers before our next road trip. I don't even mind the sticky mess I have to clean up after, I'm just glad for the quite!
  2. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    I may have to try some Dum Dum suckers next time we go out to eat while we wait for our food! Our boys rarely ever eat anything sweet (mainly just peanut butter on sandwiches) so I don't have a problem with an occasional sucker, so long as I am sitting right beside of them to grab it from them if they start cramming it down their throat :lol:
  3. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I just picked up a bag at the Dollar Store the other day. Mine scare me with the sticks- they suck on them so the sucker part could fall off/be chewed. So I keep a supply in the diaper bag for those sucky errands/lines (think the bank at 4:55 on a Friday...)
  4. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    They're a chocking hazard, and not supposed to be given to kids under 3. Even more dangerous when driving IMO.
  5. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I am afraid to give my kids suckers. Maybe if I were watching them constantly I would try it.
  6. kumphort

    kumphort Well-Known Member

    I think dum dums are the worst lolly pops to give a young child, because of the spherical shape of the candy, i think you're better off going with a regular flat lollypop
  7. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Yes, not too be too much of a buzz-kill, but I'm relatively laid-back about choking and I still never give my kids lollipops or hard candy in the car. I could see using them for something like waiting at a restaurant, where you can see the kids all the time and easily take the suckers away if the candy part breaks off. But in the car, way too dangerous IMO.
  8. Sandy005

    Sandy005 Well-Known Member

    Agree!! Just a couple of weeks ago I had to give my 4 yr old the heimlich when she was sucking on a candy mint... it scared me to death and she was definitely in panic mode. She was talking with me while I was feeding the babies and then it just got stuck and she couldn't breath. I think I had to push her stomach at least 6 times and so scary to see her face panicking without a sound coming out and looking at me to help her breath. I was just seconds from calling 911 when it came flying out. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE DO NOT USE HARD CANDY until a child is much much older.
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