DS doesn't talk as much as DD, but I think he's trying to take a crash course: the last few days, ALL day long he's been pointing to things and/or holding things up and saying "That!" And he doesn't stop until I tell him what it is. It is wonderful that he is so curious, but OMG, I had no idea that labeling EVERY SINGLE FRICKING OBJECT IN THE HOUSE could be so exhausting!!! "That's a blue block. That's a book about baby animals. That's the window. That's the fan. That's your sister." Etc. Ad nauseam. So, um, how long does this go on for? :wacko:
I had a little boy in my daycare that used to do that .. and you're right .. it IS exhausting !! Hopefully you'll be able to quench his thirst for knowledge soon .. but meanwhile just take a deep breath and be patient ! I actually sit here and giggle when I remember having to answer "THAT ??" over and over .. lol
For us it's (Emma) "DIS! - DIS! - DIS!" :laughing: Yes, that's a truck. Yes, that's your sippie. Yes, momma tooted. :laughing:
QUOTE(MichelleL @ May 28 2008, 05:39 PM) [snapback]798297[/snapback] For us it's (Emma) "DIS! - DIS! - DIS!" :laughing: Yes, that's a truck. Yes, that's your sippie. Yes, momma tooted. :laughing: You stepped on a frog?! LOL!!! :rotflmbo: They still do it when they don't feel like fishing for their words!! Buckle in - it can be a long ride!
Love the picture this paints of your little explorer and his ravenous appetite for new information. Whether he's off checking things out on his own or getting you to tell him new nouns, I can just see that he's going to DEMAND knowledge. Somehow I don't think getting to the end of this phase is going to put a stop to it...
Heehee. Nadia used to want whatever it was that we were holding, or take a bite of whatever we were eating -- so all day she'd say, "some? some? some?" while pointing to the object in question. (Of course, this was closer to age 2, not 1!) It does eventually end....but then you get the "why?" phase.... I'm so impressed with your little talkers! :good:
I totally remember that phase. DS was always saying it. Drove me nuts. Don't know how long it took him to get over it.
QUOTE(fuchsiagroan @ May 28 2008, 03:41 PM) [snapback]798210[/snapback] DS doesn't talk as much as DD, but I think he's trying to take a crash course: the last few days, ALL day long he's been pointing to things and/or holding things up and saying "That!" And he doesn't stop until I tell him what it is. It is wonderful that he is so curious, but OMG, I had no idea that labeling EVERY SINGLE FRICKING OBJECT IN THE HOUSE Holly, why are you talking about MY SON like that! AND how did you know? ARe you stalking me or something?
What dat? What dat ting? Is dat a door? Look, a door! That's what James asks about everything. He's obsessed with doors too, it's hilarious. Sean just throws stuff on me and says "What dat ting?"
Meara does this too. She is really surprising me lately by repeating back what I say to her! M: "That?" Momma: "Thats a flower." M: "Fowa" Momma: "HOLY C**P! She just said Flower!" I better watch my language now Ana sometime does the "That" thing, but she points and says "Digga Digga!" DH and I joke that she talks, just not in a language we understand!
Yeah, Jake is running around go "Dah" at EVERYTHING! He points and yells "Dah!" until I tell him what it is ... then he gives me a HUGE smile ... I love it right now ... but I can see how it can get to be a bit much! As an aside Holly, I just realized our kids are only 1 day apart (if you use your kids adjusted age!!)
Dax does that and I hand him the object and that usually buys a minute or two of quiet as he examines it. What's killing me is the "Up!".
DD1 did the WHY for what seemed like forever and it drove me nuts! DS always asks what that and it didnt last to long cause DD2 answers for me now
QUOTE Love the picture this paints of your little explorer and his ravenous appetite for new information. Whether he's off checking things out on his own or getting you to tell him new nouns, I can just see that he's going to DEMAND knowledge. Somehow I don't think getting to the end of this phase is going to put a stop to it... For sure! I guess I should be grateful, because soon enough the "that!" will give way to climbing the bookcases and busting through the baby gates and "Why? Why? Why?". QUOTE As an aside Holly, I just realized our kids are only 1 day apart (if you use your kids adjusted age!!) Cool beans!
It's just beginning! But the "that! that! that!" stage, specifically, only lasted a couple of months in our house. The nice thing about that stage is that the answers are (usually) easy. An aside on the "why" stage -- I'm having some success with answering "why?" with "Because because because because because!" (from "We're Off to See the Wizard"). Sometimes they really do want to know why, and will keep asking until they get an explanation. But sometimes, if they keep asking and I'm getting exasperated, I just break into song, and it makes them laugh and they quit asking. (And of course sometimes they start saying "why" just to get me to sing!) On the whole, I have to say that I LOVE being able to talk to them. It's worth the aggravation.