Man! This morning, my normally pleasent son has been crying on & off. (mostly on) A bath wouldn't even bring him joy. So, I gave him tylenol & gave him a very early nap. He woke up and I peeked in his mouth and found his 7th tooth. (3rd one on the bottom) Ouch! No wonder he has been a bear this morning.
I hope he feels better soon! I've gone days trying to figure out what's wrong, and then felt a tooth!
Grrr.. not only is his nap schedule off, he is refusing to go down. He is SOOO grumpy. you'd think it was a molar coming in. I am sure glad he won't remember this pain of teeth coming in.
Jackie :hug: I hope this passes soon. I think teething has been my least favorite part of child-rearing!
:hug: to poor little Evan (and to Mom!). Teething can be so miserable. Jackson was up at night the other night for three solid hours because of teething. :-(