thank you note writing

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by AimeeThomp, Dec 11, 2007.

  1. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I am still receiving gifts for the twins on a daily basis. I have received at least one gift for them just about every day of their life so far (almost 7 weeks now.) Seriously, every single day someone gives them a gift. Yesterday it was two sleepers from Carters (super cute), the day before it was two "Baby's first Christmas" ornaments, (pretty soon we'll be able to decorate the whole tree only with ornaments saying "baby's first Xmas"), the day before that it was two piggy banks from Things Remembered in the shape of Noah's Arc, with their names engraved on them, the day before that each baby got 2 Christmas theme sleepers from Gymboree, which were too big and we returned for a gift card. I could go and on and on, every day they get something. The gifts are really nice and I really appreciate them, and I know I am horrible for saying this - but I don't want any more gifts because I want a break from writing thank you notes! But every single day someone sends them something, and a lot of the time the gifts are from people who I've never even met, that know my mom from work. And the gifts have always been opened before I get them, my mom opens them at work. And then because it's friends/co-workers of hers giving me the gifts she wants the thank you notes ASAP, so every single day I'm sitting here writing thank you notes! I don't mean to be ungrateful, I just don't even know the person I'm writing the thank you note to a lot of the time! I am so glad the babies are receiving so many nice things, but if I could just go one week without any gifts it would give me a little break! I have so little free time, and yes I realize I could be writing thank you notes instead of spending time on twinstuff, but my free time is so limited right now that I need a break!

    Okay I'm done my complaining, off to write thank you notes for the clothes they got yesterday!
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Oh I totally know what you mean! Those first couple of months I just kept the t-y cards and stamps next to my bed and would write one out immediately after getting the gift. With two little ones it is so easy to forget about it. Don't worry it will taper down and someday you'll think "Wow I wish someone would give us some Carter's sleepers!"
  3. caba

    caba Banned

    I remember that very well. It stinks. I would keep a list of all the gifts, and do the thank you cards in bunches. For me it was too much to do one or two every day ... so i just kept a list, and would sit down once a week and write out a bunch of them. I really think that even if you didn't respond for a month people would understand! You have one month old twins! anyone with half a brain knows that you aren't sitting around twiddling your thumbs trying to write thank you notes! Do it when you have the time, and don't feel bad about it!
  4. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    We didn't recieve much of anything when the babies were born, didn't even have a baby shower... I would count your blessings because I wish we had that problem!
  5. MissyEby

    MissyEby Well-Known Member

    you could always give your mom a package of Thank you cards, and let her do the ones for the gifts that are given to her! that would help you out a great deal. I also do them in boys aren't here yet, but we are getting stuff in the mail and had 3 showers in 7 days....the blessings have been many...but I too am overwhelmed by them!

    Take care,

  6. vikkimathews

    vikkimathews Well-Known Member

    Oh i so know what you mean (espeically about the friends of you mom) -- it will slack off eventually - but I remember thinking the same thing..."oh no, not ANOTHER gift!" lol.....

    Oh, my MIL did all the thank you notes from her family that I had never met (she's my DH's step mom - so he had never met some of them either) I think you'd be well within your rights to ask her to help with her freinds/coworkers thank you notes...
  7. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    I got TONS of gifts from friends/coworkers of my mom's and she wrote all the notes for me! I didn't know half of those people so the gifts were more for her then me. I dont' think there is anythign wrong with having your mom write those ones out.

    I would just do it weekly, I'd keep a running list and then on Sat or Sun while DH was home I'd take 15 minutes and crank them all out.

    It is a lot of work but we shoudl count our blessings. Lots of babies dont' get nearly as much as we do!!

    Hang in there!
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