Terrible Twos!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by lareesab, Jan 22, 2009.

  1. lareesab

    lareesab Well-Known Member

    My boys are almost 2 1/2 and I never really understood what "terrible twos" meant until now! Yesterday I was cleaning in the other room and they were in the kitchen, I heard them laughing (that should have been a warning to me, lol) I walked in and they had a bottle of syrup squirting it all over the floor and themselves, but that's not all! Today I put them in the bathtub and when i was in the other room for just a second, they got out of the tub, got in my linen closet, got out 4 towels and put them in the tub with them and them through them out on the bathroom floor while i was starting the washer to put the towels in. I was just wondering if anyone else has had things like this happen to them and how long does it stay like this!?? :unsure:
  2. my2littlebubbas

    my2littlebubbas Well-Known Member

    Our household is the same way. But, I know something is up when it is quiet. Mine are especially good at climbing and reaching for things they know they can't have. Sometimes I don't know how they think of these things. I know about yours, but mine just feed off each other.
  3. djpizzuti

    djpizzuti Well-Known Member

    Until they turn 3! (I'm dreading 3 with twins, I almost didn't survive 3 with DS2 :rolleyes: )
  4. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    I don't know, but I'll commiserate with you! :) I have found:

    the bathroom flooded (we're talking drawers full of water)

    rolls and rolls of TP thrown in the toilet

    God only knows how many toys flushed down the toilet

    I think by now I've mopped rivers of milk off my floor

    naked kids running around a pile of poop on the floor

    towels pulled into the bath (aha! where do they learn that??)

    We hear:

    "I don't like you"

    "Oh man, oh crap!"

    "Dag-gone-it" (no idea where that came from)


    "You're mean, you're rude!"

    "But I WANT it"

    I feel completely overwhelmed sometimes. But they're also saying the cutest things now......today dd went thru the living room, cleaning up her toys w/o even being asked! Later this evening, I was exhausted & just shoved a few toys off the couch to sit down. DD glared at me, gave a big huff & said, "I JUST cleaned that up!!" I felt like saying, "Well, how does it feel???" :lol: But I didn't.
  5. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    Oh, I wish it ended at 3. My almost 5 year old is the ring leader of our "treasure moments". LOL...it's never ending something somewhere. Even if it's just putting every single vehicle we have (all tractors/trucks/cars/etc=5,000+) under the tables or around the chairs, to all towels and rags in the bathtub, to mixing up concoctions of soap and shampoo in the bathroom sink, to smearing lotion all over his brother (hair included). To coloring on every imaginable surface, and dumping all their clothes out of the drawer just to find the "truck shirt". It's a never ending battle of messes...and my kids are good kids. They pick-up, they listen when I say no, etc. Wow, they are just kids! Gotta love em!!
  6. lareesab

    lareesab Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much for letting me know that I'm not alone. Being a mom of twins is tough sometimes. I literally think I'm going to pull my hair out!! You guys are great!!
  7. Stephanie M

    Stephanie M Well-Known Member

    We're right there with you. The things that bother me the most are . . .

    * constant fussing and fighting over toys -- I feel like a referee all day

    * whining and whining and whining

    * Disobedience (standing on furniture, doing the opposite of what I ask, etc.)

    It's got to get better at some point!
  8. Mum2TwinBoys

    Mum2TwinBoys Well-Known Member

    It all changes when they turn 4, they are a lot lippier.
  9. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    I have to say .. 4 is MUCH easier. But they STILL get into their share of trouble. But at 2 yrs old it was harder because I felt like I was talking to a brick wall .. at least now I can reason with them and they KNOW right from wrong and can be held 100% accountable. At 2 yrs old I didnt dare leave them in the bathroom .. especially when there was water involved ! Besides being very paranoid about water dangers .. not to mention floods are NOT a fun thing to walk in to ! They also like to leave me "presents" in the toilet .. cars, crayons, balls and stuffed animals to name a few.

    Hang in there .. it DOES get easier ! :)
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