terrible twos is killing me

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Shohenadel, Jul 18, 2011.

  1. Shohenadel

    Shohenadel Well-Known Member

    This has been the hardest day in a while. My 2 1/2 year old girls behave great for my husband and just horrible for me. It has been one tantrum after another....I can't take it. At one point today I was like, "I quit!" No, I didn't really quit, but I kinda wanted to...at least for a little while. Please tell me I'm going to survive!!!! And please don't tell me that three is worse, because I don't really want to hear it right now. Thanks!

  2. rebekahj

    rebekahj Well-Known Member

    Yeah, mine too - what's that about? I know, they're more comfortable around me so they can blah blah blah. <_<
    My two are the same age, so just offering sympathy!
  3. JZaretzka

    JZaretzka Member

    Mine are not quite 2 and a half but I totally get the behaving better for others/husband part! My LO will swat his hands when he gets frustrated and he only swats at me! Hang in there. We are all going through it with you. :wacko:
  4. tpowers

    tpowers Well-Known Member

    From my DD I know that it gets better. Mine are about the same age and I am right there with you. My Lucas will hit his head on the nearest thing and cry to get attention. His brother has made changing a wrestling match. I know it gets better. I was told 3 was worse but did not think so with my DD. I hope it gets better for you.
  5. TLorentz

    TLorentz Active Member

    I threaten to "quit" about once a week! Just kidding...Hang in there! It gets better. Before mine turned three, it didn't seem I could get much done. They will always act better for someone else. It's a fact I've come to live with...I didn't think that three was worse than two~just different. My guys are now four and we are having less and less conflict. It's getting easier to reason and explain things to them. Good luck and know that we all have been there or are there now, so don't be so hard on yourself. You will make it!! I can't believe how fast time is going by...it's true what they say. The days are long, but the years are short:)
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