Terrible dreams.......

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Deyra Mavrides, Aug 10, 2010.

  1. Deyra Mavrides

    Deyra Mavrides Well-Known Member

    I know this is a strange thing to ask - and its terribly personal - but i have to ask because its tearing me apart inside.

    Do any of you ever dream of accidents happening to the twins? Or one of them ?

    I started having dreams that my daughter is dropped by someone and smacks her head terribly on the ground. Its a horrible sight - its nauseating - and i find myself feeling so gross when i wake up. I see her head flatten - and it makes me just want to fall apart. i try to go back and change the dream - or start the dream and see that she's perfectly ok - but she always jsut stares at me with a blank look in my dream.

    I have to go to her, touch her, make sure that she's ok. I have had other dreams - but her hitting her head seems to be the most common.

    I havent realy had any about her brother.

    I have hears that its mothers intuition to be careful for her children - but it just feels so bleck!

    has anyone ever had similar experiences ?
  2. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had awful dreams about the kids in the early days... looking back I had PPD and it manifested itself in anxiety. I would wake up bawling and shaking from scary dreams about the kids. I remember one where I had to leave Austin out in the snow for some reason and when I got him outside I realized he was alive and I shouldn't leave him out in the snow, but I was supposed to. I was terrified that I would hurt him in real life, but of course that never happened and there was no risk of that happening.. I think your brain just has a way of letting out all the anxieties that you have. But, if it's getting to the point where you're worrying during the day, talk to someone.. your doctor, a friend or family and see what they might be able to do to help you with anxiety. It's a normal thing, and you shouldn't be afraid to ask for help.
  3. dra1408

    dra1408 Well-Known Member

    I have had bad dreams about the twins also, but not all the time. I was suffering from ppd and am now on a very mild anti-depressant for it and like the pp, I think it's just some of my anxiety coming out in my dreams. I don't think it would hurt to see your doctor if it is bothering you that much. No need to add even more stress to the already large amount of stress that comes with having twins. GL!
  4. Jpuetz3

    Jpuetz3 Member

    yes! i spoke to my friends who are mothers if they ever had bad dreams about their kids and they said yes too. They say its normal especially for first time moms. But with the twins i feel like the dreams and thoughts are worse. I always dreamt or daydreamed about the worst things ahppening like having to choose one or the other baby to live. i would wake up crying so abd and have to wake up my husband and go in the baby roomand make sure they were breathing.I would freak out. For me it started at 3 months because thats when they started sleeping through the night and sleeping in their nursery so i think that had something to do with it too. But now they are 6 months and I dont have dreams like that anymore and i rarely think about it too.If it really disturbs your sleep that much you should really see a dr about it!
  5. FGMH

    FGMH Well-Known Member

    Yes, I did and still do after over a year, and I often have to check on them in the night to make sure they are ok before settling again after the nightmares, and so did all of my mom friends. Up to a point I think it is normal, but if it is really disturbing your peace and your sleep please go and talk to your doctor to be sure that everything is ok with you. Bad nightmares can be a sign of PPD or thyroid problems for example.
  6. babyhopes09

    babyhopes09 Well-Known Member

    Absolutely have those dreams and then I can't stop thinking about it! We have a catwalk on our second floor that looks over our living room and I seriously can't even hold the babies anywhere near it because I'm terrified I'll accidentally drop them over. Strange, I know. I've worried since they were born about these kinds of things.. I can almost play the scene in my mind and it's horrific. It kind of ebbs and flows for me-sometimes the anxiety is not even a factor and other times.. especially when I'm sleep deprived it gets much much worse. Some days I think it must be the way PPD is manifesting for me. The thought of talking to the doctor scares me to death, but sometimes I feel that i need to bite the bullet and go so that I can stop the anxiety!
  7. Deyra Mavrides

    Deyra Mavrides Well-Known Member

    Thanks ! I will see if I can talk to the dr - i have an appointment with the pediatrician this week - not sure if she will discuss it with me - but it will be a good sounding board - as she's also a mom of twins.

    I dont have the dreams all the time - but l remember them during the day - & i cringe at the thought of it happening.
    The funny thing is - I am really not feeling all that anxious - i think i have a pretty good handle on things. Everyone comments on how calm i am - and how great the babes are doing - so it seems funny that its anxioty that would make it manifest in that way. Maybe my brain is taking a few moments out to let some of the stress out ?
  8. DblStuffOreo

    DblStuffOreo Well-Known Member

    I was also having dreams (some were even day dreams) like you, only in my dreams I was the one hurting my children. e.g., I walk through a door and bash the top of a twins head against the door frame, or while nursing a twin rolls off the pillow and crashes onto the floor. I finally told my mother about these dreams and she said she had the same thing... however, I am adopted and my mother has never been pregnant. She said it was just part of the territory that comes from first time motherhood. So, while I totally believe that PPD is real and you probably should talk to your doctor to double check, it is possible that what you are feeling is just garden variety anxiety and nothing to worry about.

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