Temporary Disabled Placard?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by LilBrwnBrd, Feb 3, 2008.

  1. LilBrwnBrd

    LilBrwnBrd Well-Known Member

    I'm only about 16 weeks along but I think I've had Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction since about 12 weeks. I had round ligament pain during my first pregnancy, but having the round ligament pain plus the hip/pelvic pain so EARLY this time around has been too much. I didn't get this type of pain until about 28 weeks last time - and didn't even realize then (1) it existed and had a name or (2) it isn't a normal part of pregnancy. I brought up the SPD topic at my 14-week appointment, and the OB didn't know what I was talking about.... She even suggested that walking the extra one or two blocks from my car to the train/bus shouldn't be a problem. Yes, we are switching doctors.

    I'm on a self-imposed modified bedrest right now - once I get home from work, I head straight for the couch. God bless my hubby - he has been taking care of our home and family. On the weekends, I very rarely go anywhere because it hurts too much. I went to church and a birthday lunch at a restaurant with my family and in-laws two weekends ago, and it was really, really bad by the time we got home. The good news is that my cervix has been high and hard - it's just I am trying to avoid the pain as much as I can.

    But, anyway, I was thinking about asking for a temporary disabled placard for parking. It would be a tremendous help for me to get closer parking at the train station or bus parking lot for my commute to/from work. Especially at the end of the day, when it take me SO long just to get to my car because I have to walk so slowly. My hubby also works full-time, but I need to work as long as I can because mine is our primary income. Assuming everything else goes well with the babies, I might ask for a reduced schedule at work at 24 weeks (make up the time by working from home). In the meantime, as long as the babies and my uterus/cervix are doing well and it's just my hips/pelvis/round ligaments that are hurting me, my not working is out of the question. This would just be a huge help.

    Anyone have success with getting a temporary placard? Or have a request refused? Was it something that your doctor suggested or did you specifically ask about it? Is it wrong for me to even think about this?
  2. dizzyhay+2

    dizzyhay+2 Well-Known Member

    I had one at the end of this pregnancy. The doctor wanted me on complete bedrest again and i needed to keep working and well getting out period so that i could take care of my other two youngins. Plus my lungs were really in a bind from how high one was and the positioning. So he wrote me a note to get one so i didnt have as much walking to do, and it was easier for me to get the kids back and forth between the stores. I didnt have a hard time at all....

    As far as being wrong to ask for it...If people who have one just bc they are too lazy to loose weight and cant breathe can get one, then by god you needing one you shouldnt feel bad about.
  3. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    I have no idea if you'd be successful but you definitely have my support. :) I think all expecting moms of twins should get them. Carrying twins is way, way different than a singleton pregnancy.
  4. HinSD

    HinSD Well-Known Member

    I would be curious as to how to go about getting one! I have thought about this mant, many times in the past week. It is getting really difficult to walk around! I couldn't even imagine w/ SPD - I'd think you'd be able to get one easy!
  5. 2B2G

    2B2G Well-Known Member

    I got one late in my last singleton pregnancy for a similar problem. My midwife had to get one of the OB's to sign off on it but he did. It was great. I feel like I need it again already!

    BTW - You really should ask for a referral to physical therapy for your pelvic issues. There is a lot they can do to adjust it and make walking less painful.
  6. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    Get one and don't feel guilty about it! I can't imagine the DMV would turn you down if a doctor "prescribed" it.
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