Temper Tantrums?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by haleystar, Aug 8, 2010.

  1. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    So Alex, my more sensitive twin, has been having these temper tantrums that I've been noticing lately where he will bang his head on the floor. River does this too but he sticks his tongue out like he's trying to lick the floor and isn't fussy when he does it. Alex is. It's not like he's getting treated more harshly or differently than his brother and I try and coddle him a bit more since he is the more clingly of the two, but is this a temper tantrum or the start of something more serious like mental illness down the road?? I'm concerned with this new behavior and just wanted to know if anyone else has gone though this.

  2. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    Head banging is very common! I would probably coddle him less during one of these tantrums and try to redirect him. Its similar to biting and hair pulling (self). Basically frustration that he can't express because he's not verbal enough to tell you what he's feeling. It usually gets better as they start learning to talk.
  3. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    How should I redirect him? They only last for a few seconds. He starts out sitting up and starts crying loudly and then starts banging his head a couple of times while he's crying and sits back up and continues to cry until I pick him up. Sometimes I will make a toy sing songs or make noises and make a silly face at him to stop the tantrum. What do you think the main source of anger is from? That's he hungry, bored, wants to be help?

    And great, if it stops once they learn to talk let's hope they don't start dropping f-bombs and s-bombs.

  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Temper tantrums and head banging are normal at this age. My DS was famous for doing both, it seemed like once he hit 12 months a switch went off and the tantrums, etc. started.
    I would put my DS in safe place (that's carpeted and with a pillow or two around where he eventually learned to grab one when he needed to head bang) and let him have his tantrum. I found that the more I ignored the tantrum, the shorter it was in duration. It's really hard to ignore tantrum, I struggled with it!
    I found that tantrums in our house were caused by teething, being hungry but mainly from frustration in not being able to communicate how they wanted to. Once they could express themselves more, we had a lot less tantrums around here.
  5. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm with Nancy here...mine learn multiple words everyday and it seems the more they learn the less they whine;) JT still head bangs and will occasionally head butt if he is upset and throwing a tantrum. I just leave him be and totally ignore him. Even on the ceramic tile he won't hit his head hard enough to hurt himself so I've noticed if I just ignore him and start playing with Jack he calms down easier and stops. If I try to talk to him or calm him down its almost like I'm harrassing him and making it worse. Good luck! and yes, temper tantrums start this early..I would say they peaked around here at 15mos and have slooowwwllly dwindled down:)
  6. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Totally normal!! My guys went through a spate of temper tantrums at about 12-13 months (and are starting up again now <_< ). When they were younger I would make sure they were in a safe spot and let them get it out of their system. Nate loved to slam his face on the floor and bite the carpet. :wacko: If he was in the kitchen when he started these shenanigans, I'd move him into the living room where the floor was carpeted and softer. Now when he tantrums, he looks around and picks a likely rug to throw himself on. <_<

    And I totally understand what you mean about looking for early signs of mental illness. I was extremely anxious as a child, which turned into depression later in life, so I watch my boys pretty closely for the same thing. Rest assured, this behavior you describe sounds really typical for their age. :hug:
  7. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    [quote name='Nate and Jack's Mom' date='09 August 2010 - 02:30 PM' timestamp='1281378628' post='1678000']

    And I totally understand what you mean about looking for early signs of mental illness. I was extremely anxious as a child, which turned into depression later in life, so I watch my boys pretty closely for the same thing. Rest assured, this behavior you describe sounds really typical for their age. :hug:

    I was like that too, terribly shy, anxious, all those lovelys that led to depression. So having a history of it in the prominent gene I worry greatly about both of the boys and I am trying to be diligent to catch things early rather than later should something be an issue. So thanks for understanding that. :)

    And thank you ladies for making me feel a heck of a lot better about this whole thing!
  8. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    Our biggest triggers are teeth, hunger/thirsty, getting frustrated with a toy, and seeing his sister with something he doesn't have. I do goofy stuff like blowing raspberries on his sisters belly, to distract him and get him laughing.
  9. ilovemonkeys

    ilovemonkeys Well-Known Member

    My son started banging his head against the wall a few months ago. THankfully he stopped after a few weeks but he recently started it up again. He bangs his head hard so I take him and put him in a pack & play for a time-out. But he is now figuring out that he can climb out of it so I'm not sure what to do. When he does the head-banging it is because he is frustrated. I hate it though, it freaks me out.
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