Temper Tantrums

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by cacorsi, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. cacorsi

    cacorsi Active Member

    I seriously think that I may lose my mind with my twins’ temper tantrums. I think this stage is SO MUCH HARDER than when they were infants! They have meltdowns about everything! It is hard to go anywhere or do anything because their behavior is so bad. What is normal and what is just “bad behavior?” I have started reading Magic I 2 3. It does seem to be working with my son, but not my daughter. My daughter is so strong willed and sometimes, mean. I hate to say that. Tonight I found a bite mark on my sons back from her. She must have done it in the morning. I say the same things over and over. When will it get better? Suggestions?
  2. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    It looks like your twins are a couple months younger than mine. I have found that 1-2-3 magic has worked wonders around here, but the key to it being successful is you have to be consistent! I rarely get past 1 anymore, but it took a couple months to get to that point.

    I have also found that giving them positive attention for when they are behaving well has helped a lot! I make a Huge deal over things they do right (whether it be listening, putting their toys away, playing nicely together), even the little things and they love it! They also love to help me, so by allowing them to engage in things that I am doing makes them feel important.

    Two year old's yearn for attention, and they are going to behave in a way that will get them that attention. To me Bad Behavior is hurting another person(in any malicious form), and not listening (especially when safety is involved).

    I hope that helps!! Good Luck!

    ETA: In the rare event that they do have a temper tantrum, I ignore it completely! :good:
  3. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    I actually use 123 Magic more for tantrums then anything else. If they don't settle down by the time I get to 3, then they get sent to their room. It seems to work better for us than ignoring. DS was BAD, BAD, BAD about following you around and would continue tantruming for 45+ minutes. It drove me NUTS! Now he is not allowed to come out of his room until he settles down or the 2 minutes are up.

    I have noticed a huge difference with DD since we have started 123 Magic. I usually never have to count past 2 with her. DS (on the other hand) is our strong willed child. He still has days where he spends ALOT of time in TO (today was one of them). I am hoping that by us staying consistent and keeping with it, he will eventually get the picture. I just assume it will take a little longer with him due to his personality.

    :hug: This is a hard stage for sure!! Hang in there!!
  4. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I would have to say that my girls' tantrums did not get better until close to 4. Now that they are 4, they are sooo much better. I think 2 and especially for us--3 are really the toughest ages as far as tantrums are concerned. Good luck!
  5. frickandfrack

    frickandfrack Well-Known Member

    I agree with PP that 3 was much worse for us than 2. Tantrums were out of control and over the smallest things. 123 Magic is great. We also use lots of positive reinforcement through sticker charts [their choice]. We literally have them all over the house for different things. We have one for not throwing a tantrum at school pickup because the other got something special from the treasure chest.
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