Temper Tantrums at 13 months????!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MSB1203, Feb 19, 2007.

  1. MSB1203

    MSB1203 Well-Known Member

    The girls are almost 13 months, and about 3 days ago, Maddie decides she wants to start throwing temper tantrums. When she gets mad she lays in the floor and screams and cries...and I mean SCREAMS. She will pick her head up and look at me to see if I'm going to get her, and IF, big IF, I pick her up, she quits. But she is really crying...I mean lots of real, big tears, and she screams like she is hurting, but I know she isn't or else she wouldn't turn it off so easily when she gets her way. She is too young to be acting this way, isn't she? Anyone else experience this with a young toddler and what did you do about it? I need advice!!!
  2. MSB1203

    MSB1203 Well-Known Member

    The girls are almost 13 months, and about 3 days ago, Maddie decides she wants to start throwing temper tantrums. When she gets mad she lays in the floor and screams and cries...and I mean SCREAMS. She will pick her head up and look at me to see if I'm going to get her, and IF, big IF, I pick her up, she quits. But she is really crying...I mean lots of real, big tears, and she screams like she is hurting, but I know she isn't or else she wouldn't turn it off so easily when she gets her way. She is too young to be acting this way, isn't she? Anyone else experience this with a young toddler and what did you do about it? I need advice!!!
  3. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    my first two never had any tantrums but my youngest ds is doing that. STarted it about 12-13 months too. He throws himself on the ground and screams, rolls around like he is in pain. We just ignore it and is does seem to been going away. He does it much less often now.

    It is so annoying isn't it!!
  4. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    She is not too young! My advice is to not respond to it. That way she will learn that she is not getting the result she wants. We go through these phases every few months with Ryan. Then we'll have a few good months and it will start up again.
  5. MSB1203

    MSB1203 Well-Known Member

    Gee, I was hoping this behavior wouldn't start for quite a bit longer...actually, I was hoping it would never start...hee, hee. [​IMG]
  6. md2tnmum

    md2tnmum Member

    Oh my please help me....both are saying "No" "Stop". They are 2+ and both are going in two differnet directions. I have no real control over them at all. Now my husband has no problems...he even will adventure to Wal Mart with the two. Me no way! Please help with some advise on how to regain control.
  7. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    Lily will throw herself backwards into the floor while screaming/crying and kicking her feet. She's been doing it a while. My SIL who babysits really fought me saying there's no way that's a tantrum..she's too young. Well guess what? Now Bell is doing it too...it worked for Lily at the sitters house, so why not give it a shot!

    It's a tantrum, try to make sure they are in a safe place and let them have at it and walk away. That's really all you can do. Once they are not getting the pay off, they'll stop doing them. It's hard, but worth it! I don't give in to tantrums...they only get worse if you do!

    good luck!
  8. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Too young? Sorry, NO! Mine started before that age. That is one of the first things they learn. I can say with a lot of ignoring, it is better but he still does it.

    Truly, I found the only thing that worked, no matter how hard it was for me, was to ignore him.
  9. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Ditto the advice to ignore it. Bea started around 13 months. At first I didn't know WTH was going on, and I was trying to console her, and figure out what she wanted. Then I saw the advice to ignore it, and it worked. She doesn't do it nearly as much. I just put her in PNP if she's majorly throwing a fit and tell her she can join us when she calms down. She usually calms in a few minutes. Ainsley hasn't really thrown tantrums like that, knock on wood.
  10. Seacon05

    Seacon05 Well-Known Member

    I ignore the behavior as well. I often tell them, "Mommy does not respond to that behavior, come back when your nice". They will run around the house crying, throwing things, and I dont even blink. They stop when they realize Im not paying attention to them. The more worked up you get the longer it lasts. After a bit, sometimes I lay with them and rub thier back,,,sometimes it calmes them down.
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