Tell Me is this Possible??? **Update***

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by ames4, Feb 22, 2007.

  1. ames4

    ames4 Well-Known Member

    Okay first off, I thought about creating a new idenity to post this question, because this is super it possible to get a positive result when taking a pregnancy test if you got your AF about 2.5 weeks ago and you haven't had sex since before that?

    Here is the situation, I have been feeling sick the last couple of days, really tired, having nausea, food aversions, etc. I had my AF Feb 1-4 and we had sex probably about a week or 2 before that I had a IUD in, but it fell out the day after we had sex.

    So just to put my mind at ease I had my DH buy a test at the store last night, I took it this morning, I did not wait the full 3 min to get the results, it looked lke it was negative so I went back to bed, I got up about 1 hour later and looked at the test and there is a VERY faint second line... what do you think this means?

    This is really embarassing, and I can't believe I am asking this, but I don't want to call my Dr, because it seems like there is no possible way right???
  2. BaaRamEwe

    BaaRamEwe Well-Known Member

    I have heard stories about women having their period during pregnancy, but who knows how true they are. Maybe someone else has some definitive answers for you.
  3. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    I would say it is "possible". A lot of women have bleeding in early pregnancy that is not AF, but is often mistaken for AF. That said, I wouldn't trust the pregnancy test wholly. The directions usually say do not read after 10 minutes.

    Personally, I would get another test and do it again for my own sanity. If it comes up positive again tomorrow, call your OB and make an appt.
  4. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    A family friend had her period the first 3 months of her pregnancy. She had all the classic signs of being pregnant but thought there was no way. She took a pregnancy test just to see and she was. She had a healthy baby boy.
  5. first_time_mommy_2_be_twins

    first_time_mommy_2_be_twins Well-Known Member

    If you read the pregnancy test pamphlet it says not to read results after a certain amount of time because they are not accurate.

    And yes it is possible to have a period while you are pregnant. My SIL got a period the first month after concieving my niece. Also a friend got a period every month for the first 5 months of her pregnancy the only reason she realized she was pregnant is when she started gaining ALOT of weight until then she had no pregnancy symptoms. So yes very possible.
  6. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    I am going to be the different one and tell you to make sure you read the box. I think there is something on there about not reading it after so many minutes b/c it could read differently. If it were me, I would go and get another one.
    Let us know!!
  7. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    It is possible, but before even worrying about it, you should take another test. If you saw nothing at 2 minutes and a very faint line at 1 hour, but you don't know when the line came up, then you can't trust the test.
  8. Laura56

    Laura56 Well-Known Member

    With my niece and nephew she had AF during the first month. She had what she thought was a normal AF and thought she was only 24 weeks along and when they did u/s to find out the gestational age she was 29 weeks along.

    But you also shouldn't read it after 10 minutes. Take another one and wait until the full time is up!
  9. Natalie81

    Natalie81 Well-Known Member

    Like the others I have heard that is is possible to get your period during for looking at the test after the time allotted, that is how I found out I was pregnant with the girls. I hadn't had my period for 4 months so I kept taking tests always reading negative then the second to last test I took I just had a gut feeling to go and look (more than an hour later) at the test again which I did and sure enough it had 2 lines one of which was very faint as you described , so the next day I had DH go to store he got the clear blue digital and it said I was. Good luck, sorry it was so long I just wanted to share my story.
  10. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    Take another test, like the pps said you arent supposed to read the results after a certain amount of time. Maybe you can get one the digital tests that way you get a staight answer of pregnant or not pregnant
  11. kcole

    kcole Well-Known Member

    I had a visit from AF with both my pregnancies. They were much lighter than normal but there nonetheless. That is what took me so long to figure out I was pregnant with the boys. My doctor said it was normal and happens quite frequently. HOWEVER, I think you should take another test because I think the faint line appears because of the time elapsed since you took the test.
  12. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I am pretty sure you can get what seems like AF when you are pregnant. I would definitely go see my OB about it. I had a faint line with my first after one hour and I was pregnant. Good luck!
  13. Trillian

    Trillian Well-Known Member

    Also a friend got a period every month for the first 5 months of her pregnancy the only reason she realized she was pregnant is when she started gaining ALOT of weight until then she had no pregnancy symptoms. So yes very possible.

    same thing happened to my mom when she was pg with my sister. She finally went to the doc when she put on a fitted blazer and it wouldn't button [​IMG] she was 4 months along.
  14. Kateyes2022

    Kateyes2022 Well-Known Member

    So have you taking another test yet?
  15. Eyler07

    Eyler07 Well-Known Member

    K - point to the following story...I was pregnant and didnt know it. I had my husband take me to the dr. after work one night b/c i had gotten my period and put in a tampon. When I Got off work the night before, we went out with the rest of the teachers and I got pretty tipsy. The next morning i went to take them tampon out, I coudltn find one. I believed that I had left the tampon in and put another one in and pushed the other up in. So we went to the doctor and he couldnt find one though he said that it happens all the time. The nurse even said that she cuts off the string when she goes swimmin. Anyways...they thought they would do a pg test to be sure and sure enough I was pregnant. Here we thought that it was a stuck tampon and surprise!!! Anyways, My point is that witht he boys i had my period at first enough to think that it was a period and a week later i found out that i was pregnant. I would get another test however...good luck!
  16. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

    I would take another test and wait the full time and see what it says. good Luck
  17. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    did u do another test????????????????????????????
  18. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by Gabe+2more:
    did u do another test????????????????????????????

    you have me wondering too!! [​IMG] Tell us what you find out!! Okay you have our permission to tell your DH first... but then... it better be us!! just kidding!
  19. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    We have got to be the most impatient people ever!

    Comeon we gotta know [​IMG]
  20. ames4

    ames4 Well-Known Member

    I didn't get a chance to go to the store yesterday, so I am going to have to wait until tonight...I am trying not to think about it, as you can see I already have 3 kids 2 and under [​IMG], I don't know what I would do with another one this close!! I think I may call my Ob today, last night I had awful stomach pains, mostly on one side, then it spread to both sides. It is better this morning, but I can still feel a dull ache.

    I'll let you ladies know when I test again... Thanks for all your help!! [​IMG]
  21. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    I have heard of women having periods while pregnant. My mom had 3 periods while pregnant with me... and her friend had a period the whole time, and didn't even know she was pregnant until she went into labor (which she didn't know was labor until they got to the hospital)... you never know... I would wait a week and take another to be sure.
  22. ames4

    ames4 Well-Known Member

    I finally bought a test and it came back negative!!! I feel bad for being excited, but I am not quite ready for another one yet!!
  23. Shannon123

    Shannon123 Well-Known Member

    I am sure that is a load off your mind. Glad that it worked out the way that you wanted. I would have felt the same way.... and been very excited when the negative result came back.
  24. LindyFrog

    LindyFrog Well-Known Member

    typically, one ovulates about two weeks before AF, so the timing seems to be correct in your situation. the bleeding could have been implantation spotting...which is when the egg implants itself, causing you to bleed....again, making the timeline correct in your situation. when i became pregnant with the twins, my lines did not show up on the pregnancy test until after the allotted time...
  25. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the update for those of us who are nosey and impatient!! lol Best of luck glad things worked out for you... let us know if there is any change in the situation!
  26. KeriBrack

    KeriBrack Well-Known Member

    From my personaly experiece it is very possible that it sat there too long. thats why they tell you to read it within 3 minutes, because the longer the urine sits in the test it seeps into the test all the way and the other line appears. I would deffinately do another test, but this did happen to me once.

    Good Luck !

  27. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    Good to hear! Children certainly are a blessing, but you have too much of a good thing iykwim!
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