
Discussion in 'The First Year' started by staceyloraine, May 9, 2011.

  1. staceyloraine

    staceyloraine Well-Known Member

    My twins are 8mo & DD was up last night at 2, 3:45, & 5 just screaming! The first 2 times I went in & held get for a minute & she settled down & went back to sleep. DH tried at 5 but she wasn't having it. So I took her & we dozed on the couch for a little while. I finally put her in the pnp downstairs & she's been sound asleep now for about an hour. All 4 of my LO tested positive for strep friday and have been on antibiotics all weekend, so I'm thinking any infections should be taken care of with that. She did have a fever off & on, yesterday & I gave her tylenol at 2. (also, the twins have been sttn for over 3 months, they never eat during the night) so, I'm guessing either her throat is hurting from the strep or teething. ??? It's so hard to tell! all I know right now is I need another cup of coffee!
  2. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    You poor thing! It sounds like it could be teething... Don't you love the guessing game of parenthood?!?! LOL! When all else fails in my book, I've given them motrin. That was after many wake ups like you said, no calming down, etc. And that usually did the trick. If you notice her eating is off, or a general crankiness, it could be the teething(but the strep throat doesn't help either).

    I hope everyone is on the mend quickly!!
  3. monica77

    monica77 Well-Known Member

    My babies are 8 months old also and Max has been doing this thing for about 2 weeks now. He's waking up in the middle of the night screaming, or just being playful and we end up taking him to our bed or in the guest room. He's not doing it every night, but at least 3-4 nights a week. He used to sleep through the night without any issues, so I am blaming it on teething, he seems fine otherwise. I hope Vanessa won't go through that, but we'll see. No teeth for either one yet.

    I am curious to see what other people will suggest also. Sorry I have no solution, just I feel for you and it may not be related to the strep throat issue.
  4. staceyloraine

    staceyloraine Well-Known Member

    Thanks y'all. I'm not sure whats going on. Now DS had a fever today! I thought once they were on antibiotics, they wouldn't have these symptoms anymore. Or I guess they could have a separate virus. Good grief! We have had so. Much. Sickness around here! But... I am going out with a friend tonight for a manicure & dinner. My family will probably be thankful, I almost lost it on my kids today!
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