
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Halseyse, Oct 2, 2009.

  1. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    My girls have hit another phase of teething over the past couple weeks and I recently realized just how many are coming in! I give oragel with my index finger and I can feel sharp edges of teeth all along their upper gums [possibly 1st and 2nd molars?] and a little on their bottoms [1st molars?] and just the other day I noticed the front of their gums are swollen and then I see huge humps [canine's, upper And lower] coming in. So that's what, about 8 teeth coming in for each of my ladies?! [​IMG] [​IMG]

    My poor, poor girls are going through so much. And for the past week they've woken during the night in pain [probably cause the nightly dose of Tylenol wares off].

    Just wanted to I guess kind of rant [​IMG] and possibly see if anyone else's kids are doing this too? I wonder if it's normal. But I guess it's good to 'get it outta the way', but I bet it's miserable for them. Good thing they won't remember it! I hope anyway.
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    It is miserable. What a ped. told me was that oragel or gum numbing stuff doesn't help with molars. I also have heard that canines are worse than molars for some reason!!! Teething is the only time when my ONE has issues sleeping and is clingy. It is a good thing that they don't remember it!
    Evan only has 7 of the original 8 teeth (top 4 & bottom 3 - all in the middle) and then he got all FOUR molars at once. He is back to teething again, but I don't know what teeth are coming in now.
  3. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    Yes! They've totally been clingy! [that's why..] All they want to do is hug me tightly, sit in my lap, grab my hand and drag me all over the house [just to be near I suppose] and want me to hold them. How long does it take for the molars to poke through? It's very difficult to witness them experience this..

    ETA - If oragel doesn't help molar pain, then what does? [​IMG]
  4. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    If it helps, I doubt they would be getting their 1 & 2 year molars at the same time. My boys are 21 months and the 2 years are the only ones we are waiting on. There have been so many times in the past 2 months that I think they are working on them and I'm wrong. They had their flu shots 2 weeks ago and I asked the pedi to check in their mouths. She could not see or feel anything.

    1st year molars were horrible for both of them. Jake would be screaming in pain and the only thing that would help is motrin. I could actually see it working and within `1/2 hour of giving it to him, he was back to his normal self (until it wore off).

    He had no issues with his canines, but Josh had a very hard time with them. He got 3 at once and they took forever to come in. The last one is still not totally through but it's no longer causing him pain.

    I really have tried everything for teething. Tylenol, teething tablets (both Hyland's and Humphrey's), oragel and the only thing that works for them is motrin.
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have found that teething tablets and Motrin has helped with molars coming in (my DS is getting his 2yr ones in now). The molars and canines were the hardest ones for my little ones too. Big :hug: to you and your girls Suzy!
  6. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: no advice, just wanted to commiserate. :(
  7. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    the teething tablets - Hylands work well for us. I might have to try Motrin too. But with any teething for ours is a sure bet for no STTN... good luck. and that's a lot of teeth coming in at once!
  8. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    :hug: yup teething can be really hard. My dd has 8 teeth by 8 months and 12 teeth by 12 months! :eek:
    I didn't really find anything that worked consistently. Just alternated Motrin and Tylenol and tried to have lots of patience.
  9. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    Ugh teething is SO hard! DS is getting his canines in and DD is getting one in too. We were on a two-hour car ride home today and they were both crying in pain most of the trip. I use the Oragel teething swabs and they help mine a lot. Additionally Motrin and Hylands Colic tablets. :gah:
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