teething pain

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by BeckiAllen1130, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. BeckiAllen1130

    BeckiAllen1130 Well-Known Member

    My daughter, Claire, is teething like a mad woman!! I think her first tooth is about to pop through. The only bad thing is, that she's in a LOT of pain. So much so that she won't even eat b/c her gums are so tender, the bottle hurts her. I've already given her tylenol this morning, but it must have worn off. Is there anything else I can do for her?? I've tried teething rings, but she cries bloody murder when I try to put anything in her mouth.
  2. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    We use baby Orajel and that seems to help a lot. Hope that tooth comes through and she's feeling better soon!
  3. Saramcc

    Saramcc Well-Known Member

    What seems to kinda help my DD when her tooth is bothering her, is a soft tooth brush you put on your finger and rub their gums with it. It seems like when I lightly brush her tooth, she is instantly at ease. Like an itch you can't scratch, then someone comes and scratches it for you :D
  4. butterfly02

    butterfly02 Well-Known Member

    I have used baby ambasol, the favorite though is a cool/cold wet wash cloth. They seem to chew on this alot! it is cool, soft and massages the gums for them. You can put this in the freezer too and give it to them frozen as it thaws really quickly.

    Teething is no fun...hope she feels better soon! :hug99:
  5. BeckiAllen1130

    BeckiAllen1130 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all of the ideas!!!! I think she eventually got so hungry, she was able to eat (that was my main worry). I'll definitely try some of these when she wakes up from her nap.

    Another question, does teething cause congestion?? She seems really stuffed up lately & I'm wondering if she has a cold or if it's all teething related.
  6. Saramcc

    Saramcc Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(BeckiAllen1130 @ Jul 28 2008, 09:43 AM) [snapback]900309[/snapback]
    Thanks for all of the ideas!!!! I think she eventually got so hungry, she was able to eat (that was my main worry). I'll definitely try some of these when she wakes up from her nap.

    Another question, does teething cause congestion?? She seems really stuffed up lately & I'm wondering if she has a cold or if it's all teething related.

    It seems like anything that is wrong is somehow related to teething. Yes, they get stuffy and snotty. I was constantly plunging DD nose with those suckers.
  7. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Besides Tylenol you might be able to try Motrin. Call you Ped and see if you can get the okay. We got ours after 6 months. It last longer, helps with the inflammation of the gums, and you can alternate Tylenol and Motrin and then be able to time it to give a dose before she goes to bed. Might be worth a call. I hope she feels better soon. :hug99:
  8. MissyEby

    MissyEby Well-Known Member

    We use Tylenol, Motrin (after 6 months of age), Hylands teething tablets, wash cloth, the little gum massager,

    you name it we do it!!

    Good luck I hope she feels better soon.
  9. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    I would try Hyland's teething tablets. Baby Orajel is a good one too. I also would recommend Motrin after 6 months. I hope she feels better soon :hug99: .
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