
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nikki_0724, Mar 4, 2007.

  1. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    Brandon is cutting 6 teeth at the same time....
    4 eye teeth and 2 molars.. POOR KID.....Dylan is also cutting 4...

    Motrin and Tylenol are not working by them selves... Can anyone tell me what i can use with them or alone to comfort them?
  2. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Hylands teething tablets--worked great for us. My girls cut four teeth at a time and are in the process of cutting molars. They really seem to help and they are all natural.
  3. ads3046

    ads3046 Well-Known Member

    My pedi told me to rub benedryl on their gums and also to give a dose of it with motrin at bedtime. During the day I would use the orajel swabs to get where they needed it. Good luck. They are tough ones to get out.

  4. mbcrox

    mbcrox Well-Known Member

    Poor kids! It's such a helpless feeling when they are teething! If they are really miserable I gave them a popcycle! It would distract them and the cold soothed their gums. I wish I had some magical solution I guess just lots of TLC. Good Luck. ~Mary~
  5. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    poor things! We used the Orajel swabs on their gums to relieve some of the pain. And, we also used ice or sugar free popsicles.
  6. wingod

    wingod Well-Known Member

    Our girls were teething (and still are) so bad that I took them to the pedi and he prescribed tylenol with codene. IT worked great the first night, they slept all night but then then after that my kids were immune to it! I am sure yours won't be...for some reason medicine doesn't affect my girls like it does others. I wish I had more solutions for you b/c we are going through the same thing. Popsicles sound like a great idea!
  7. mandmtwinmommy

    mandmtwinmommy Well-Known Member

    We use "baby popcicles" - ice cubes in the mesh feeders. They like them better than any teething toy and it we just keep refilling them as much as they need.

    It really helps take the edge off and gives them some control over how they feel and a way to deal with the pain.

    Good luck. We also seem to get teeth in by the bunches, it really is the best way, because when it is over, you have a break before it begins again.
  8. 2for1

    2for1 Well-Known Member

    I know a pediatric dentist and he doesn't recommend using oragel or other things like that. he says it actually makes the gums tough, which causes more pain when the teeth push through.

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