teething already?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by lisagayle, Aug 24, 2010.

  1. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    What age did your kiddos start teething? With older DS, he didn't get a single tooth until 10 months old and then he sprouted both bottom teeth at once.

    We have b/g twins. They are just a few days shy of 4 months old. DS has been super fussy the last week, crying all the time. Two days ago I noticed how swollen his lower gums were and you can see where the teeth are wanting to break through. I am so sad for him, I forgot how painful it is to watch (Older DS is 3 1/2 so it's been a while since we've dealt with it).

    Also - has anybody used those Teething Tablets? They are supposed to be all natural and homeopathic. I've heard oragel is bad because it can numb their throat making it difficult for them to swallow. And I don't want to be giving him tylenol often. We've been letting him chew on our fingers since he's not dexterous enough to hold a teething ring yet and bring it to his mouth. Any other ideas?
  2. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    I swore for the longest time that my boys were teething starting at around 4 months because they were refusing food, being cranky and all of those lovely things that go along with teething but nope no teeth came until they were 12 months.

    I have used Hylands Teething Tablets and I like them very much. If, while they are teething, they get super fussy at night I find that is helps calm them and soothe them and they sleep better.

    As for Orajel, yeah not a big fan. I also heard the same as you. I mean if you think about it, what happens to YOUR mouth when you put orajel on it...it goes numb and sometimes affects your ability to swallow.
  3. babyhopes09

    babyhopes09 Well-Known Member

    My girls are almost 20 weeks and one of mine just had 2 teeth come through.. thought it was a little early... but we're in the same boat!
  4. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Our guys started acting like there were teething around 4 months. Michael got his first tooth 1 week before they turned 6 months, and Gabriel got his 2 weeks later.

    We tried the teething tablets and didn't think they helped. Neither does Orajel. However, we have some homeopathic teething gel that seems to help. We got it out local Wal-mart. It's made by the same company that makes the teething tablets. We also use tylenol (generic) drops when they get REALLY fussy.
  5. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    My boys started acting the same way around 4 months. They each got 2 teeth at 5.5 months. THe hyland teething tablets work great. If you can get the make Kids 0-9, they make really good teething relief stuff as well.
  6. dra1408

    dra1408 Well-Known Member

    Mine have been acting like they were teething for weeks now. I use the teething tablets and orajel only when I have to. I do give them tylenol every night at bedtime because that is when it seems the worst for them. If I don't give it to them, they cry all night.
  7. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Could definitely be teething! I NEVER used orajel. Just because. Lord knows I have a ton of it too! I always just thought it would be messy. We used motrin, and it was mostly just at night. I used it more when there was a fever associated with teething than anything else. However-my kids were "good" teethers. It never really bothered them. If I tried everything else under the sun-fed them, changed them, rocked them, etc-and nothing worked-then I usually did a dose of motrin/tylenol-and that usually did the trick.

    You could freeze some chew toys, or wet a facecloth and freeze that for DS-so he can chew on it.
  8. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    My friends LO got her first tooth at 3.5 mos. Mine didn't get any until almost 1 year. They can teeth for weeks upon months before those suckers pop through. We LOVED the teething tablets. In fact, thanks, need to add that to my shopping list. :)
  9. jromkey

    jromkey Well-Known Member

    It could definitely be teething - or something else! It's difficult to tell. I would recommend that you get some teething rings (wooden or the ones that are filled with water and can be chilled) and some mess baby feeding bags. For the latter, you can fill them with slices of frozen fruit and let them suck on them. If they are teething then the cold fruit will gently numb the swollen gums. If they're not teething then at the very least they get to enjoy a yummy snack!
  10. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I am a big fan of tylenol.. I have heard that other kids did well with the tablets, but mine seemed immune to them. My guys started teething at about 4.5 or 5 months and didn't get their teeth until nearly 7 months. The pain would come off and on, as would the hand chewing, irritability, drooling. It was no fun at all.
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