teaching to pee standing up?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Becky02, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    My son has been potty trained for over a month, probably closer to two months and he is starting to pee standing up or atleast be ok with the idea of doing it. I really want him to learn since I am tired of him not having his penis pointed downward enough or not at all and peeing all over the seat and everything else. He stood today and peed for me, he was a little scared but was happy to do it. I had him on a step stool (I don't think he needs it but used it anyway to make sure he was high enough I will see if he is tall enough without it next time he goes) and he went but I wasn't sure if I should hold his penis (seems weird to do), have him hold it, or just make sure it's pointed in the right direction. So I am wondering what those of you who have boys that stand and pee how did you start our teaching him? Did you have him hold his penis, you held it, or had him lean over so the pee should make it into the potty, or is there another way I am not thinking of?

    Thanks for any info you can help me with or even story's on what your boys did if they just did it on their own.
  2. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    They still have to have 'directional control' of the penis in order to keep it in the toilet. My son watched DH and decided that was for him!
  3. swp0525

    swp0525 Well-Known Member

    I haven't need to do directional control just yet. I told him to lean over and put his hands on the back of the bowl and he's had perfect placement every time.
  4. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    Thank you for your replys. I have been having him stand right up next to the toilet and having lean forward a little and he has been doing pretty good with that but I'm not sure how he'll do if I am not standing right there next to him (which I expect to be doing for a while longer). Does that sound ok for him to be doing? My dh thinks I should teach him to hold his penis when he goes since he will have to when he gets older. When did you stop going in the bathroom with your son after he started standing?
  5. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    LOL. The things we moms worry about :) All I can say is that my boys don't hold it. They lift their shirts a bit, lean over the bowl, and in it goes everytime. The "sword fights", however, are getting out of control when they both decide they need to go at the same time. :rolleyes:
  6. koozie

    koozie Well-Known Member

    I've heard of putting cheerios or marshmellows in the toilet to help them have a target to hit. (does that make sense?)
  7. mike77

    mike77 New Member

    Your husband needs to take over teaching your son this one. Has he watched his dad pee? Your husband needs to take your son into the bathroom with him when he has to go so he can watch and see how to pee standing and how to aim. His dad can then help him with the aiming part a few times until he gets the hang of it. Your son and his dad can also pee together and play "sink the battleship" by aiming at a piece of toilet paper or cheerios. This is a fun way for him to practice aiming.
  8. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Trevor uses a stepstool too. He leans forward and hols on to the seat. I do still point his penis down or he will pee on the seat as well. His pee stream really goes up. :unsure: I have to get him to hold his penis down soon though since he'll go to preschool in Sept. Once he started peeing standing up about 2 months ago, he won't sit down anymore to do it.
  9. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mike77 @ Jun 19 2009, 04:04 AM) [snapback]1360290[/snapback]
    Your husband needs to take over teaching your son this one. Has he watched his dad pee? Your husband needs to take your son into the bathroom with him when he has to go so he can watch and see how to pee standing and how to aim. His dad can then help him with the aiming part a few times until he gets the hang of it. Your son and his dad can also pee together and play "sink the battleship" by aiming at a piece of toilet paper or cheerios. This is a fun way for him to practice aiming.

    Yes my dh has been taking my son into the bathroom with him to watch him standing up to pee for about 4 or 5 mths now. I just can't see my son being able to hold his penis as he pees, it's just so small. It seems so weird to think about this.
  10. carmenandwhittsmom

    carmenandwhittsmom Well-Known Member

    Until recently, my son would stand on the stool, hold the seat part, and go. Now that he has outgrown the stool, we don't use it but we still have him hold the seat part and go. We have just started working with him on holding it but since his aim is okay, I don't worry about it. Good luck and get lots of wipes for when he misses!
  11. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    My DS has been standing up since right after he starting pt'ing. He has an older brother to look up to, so I think that expedited the process. He doesnt always HAVE to hold it in order for it to go in the toilet. Sometimes I would actually prefer that he didnt touch his penis because when he does, he usually holds it by putting one finger underneath, which causes it to go up a little, and sometimes will get on the back of the toilet bowl. The only other issue we have (since we dont use a stool) is that when he 'finishes' and drips a little on the rim of the toilet.
  12. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    We just got ours to do it this week. We have showed them for awhile, talked about trying, etc. but I really didn't enforce it and so far no looking back. We also use a step stool, otherwise, the pee would go all over.
  13. fourznuff

    fourznuff Well-Known Member

    We have this Flushing Toddler Urinal and it has worked great. I think it helped them learn how to control where they were aiming. They just go in the regular toilet now. If we are out and about and the toilet is too high I have them stand on my feet to reach.
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