My girls are recently started taking a great liking to hot tea. between them they can drink a whole mug at a time. they love it in their bottles before bed and have it over milk. I make it so its warm (almost cold) half milk half hot water, but im concerned about the amount of caffeine im giving them. i've only let them substitute it in instead of their formula milk once and they were fine but i just dont think its a good idea.
I don't think you should make a habit out of it every night maybe once in a while. To me, anything is ok in moderation, however, my kids only drink whole milk and water. But if you give it to them maybe once a week or so for a snack but I wouldn't give it to them before bedtime, you don't want the tea/milk sitting on their teeth all night. I give milk at dinner and the rest of the night if they are thirsty they get water and their teeth brushed right before bed.
Tea is not bad and will not harm anything. As long as they get the calcium they normally get from milk and the c vitamin they would get from juice. You could get decaff tea instead. I think in moderation tea can have some great health benefits. I also wouldn't add any sugar or sweeteners.
I allow my girls to have hot tea in the mornings-- and I only drink the herbal teas. I know I am the one that needs the caffiene NOT them. they have enough energy without it LOL. sometimes if they are having a hard time calming down at night I will give them another cup in the evening. But I don't drink it every day... and sometimes I just tell them no, this is mommy's tea, you drink your milk. it's a nice alternative to give them once they've drank their 16 oz of milk and gives them the hydration that they need. I serve my tea with honey.
i should try the decaffe of the herbal with them and see if they enjoy it as much. i would rather give them that than the cafeine filled stuff their getting now.
All of my children love Earl Grey Decaffienated. Especially when they are sick they request I nice cup of tea. So as long as you switch to decaf I say let them enjoy.