
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by AFMOM, May 3, 2007.

  1. AFMOM

    AFMOM Well-Known Member

    We recently put the older twins into pre-school. They go full time. The girls that work with them tell us that they are the best kids that they have. Really well behaved. UNTIL......
    They get home. As soon as they walk through the door they are mad. Mad about not having their sippy cups, mad about the T.V. not being on, Mad that the other has a toy that they want, Mad that they have to go to bed. Then it starts in the morning as soon as they get up. Mad becasue they want breakfast, mad because they want to put their own shoes and socks on. I mean they get to sobbing, kicking, and hitting.

    I put them into time-outs. If that does not work then I send them to thier room until they calm down. I can not spend one on one time with them. I have 2 four month olds, and I am cooking dinner, taking care of the house, and trying to play with the older set. I can only do so much. My DH tries to help, but he ends up getting so mad at them that he goes out to the garage for a Daddy time-out.

    How do we handle this? Why are they Angles at pre-school? What in the world is going on?
  2. mandylouwho

    mandylouwho Well-Known Member

    I really dont have an answer for you but maybe i can shed some light...my boys are the same ages as your girls. They take tantrums a lot too...Im assuming its just a phase. If they JUST started pre-shcool, maybe its an attitude adjustment thing. At pre-shcool they are CONSTANTLY busy...always have something to keep them occupied. When they are home, they dont..since you are so busy having 2 babies, and a household to uphold...you dont have every second of the day to devote to them, like thier teachers are getting paid for.

    I know that my boys need CONSTANT stimulation. If they dont, they get like that too. They get mad at each other, etc. I have been using TV a lot (since I have been pg), and trying to set aside times to be outside (with different toys,) and up in the playroom (all different toys.) I built a fort today under the kitchen table...that kept them busy for a bit....even plastic cups they can bulild with, etc.

    Your not doing ANYTHING wrong. You have a lot on your plate. DH going out the garage is not helping either. Tell him to get it together. If hes that mad with them, maybe he can sit with the babies while you sit on the floor and do puzzles, read books etc.

    HTH!! :hug99:
  3. team_double.trouble

    team_double.trouble Well-Known Member

    reward them when tehy are good, always reward them when they are good. tell them that they have been so good all day if they continue this you will be very happy with them and they will have a surprize!
  4. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    My boys are older, but I believe this still applies. When we get home from school they start right in. "Iwant milk, can I have a snack, take my shoes off, I have to go potty" This has always gone on. I now explain to them that I can only do 1 thing at a time. It really has helped. Now if they get whiney & pushy I ask them how many hands mommy has & how many things she can do at a time. Now they wait their turn & understand what it means.
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