tantrums tantrums they are fun

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ddancerd1, Mar 29, 2009.

  1. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    do you ever wonder if your kid is the best tantrum thrower in the world? like, if they had tantrum contests, your's would win hands down? ivana slept a whopping 20 minutes this afternoon, and - I KNEW I SHOULDN'T HAVE - i took her out and thought she'd relax and fall asleep on me for a little while longer. (see, this is why i leave them in there to cry... even if it lasts all thru nap! ). she was so unbelievabley pi**ed off because she tired and wasn't sleeping. :mellow: i mean, she had the tantrum of the century. for almost an hour just flailing around, throwing things, screaming, crying, wanting to be held, not wanting to be held... for a while i thought something was wrong, but, wouldn't you know it, like the flip of a switch, she got up and went off running and laughing like nothing happened :blink:

    i'm telling you, your kids' all got nothing on that child! and if you think so, give me your best stories!
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't know if I can top that right now..but Luke had a tantrum today and he was ramming his head into the couch. I was like, "You crazy boy, you are going to knock yourself out, silly!" I can't even tell you what he was having a fit about, today has been a blur, but he was mad!!!
  3. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    What a coincidence! We just had our worst tantrum to date this morning! I don't know what the deal is b/c the girls had just woken up from an hour long nap. We were at my parents house, they have a hardwood floor. It was time to go home but Lily didn't want to put her shoes on. This is when the tantrum started. She fought me tooth and nail to not get those shoes on her feet. Once the shoes were on I went to put her down but by then it was too late, she had started to have a tantrum. I tried to put her down and she did the "stiff body" - I'm sure you all are familiar with the arched back stiff body toddler. I put her down anyway and she fell to the floor, hitting her head on the floor. I handed her to my mom but the tantrum continued, so my mom placed her on the area rug in the living room, and the tantrum commenced. First she was on her back, then on her belly with her face on the rug. She got on all 4s, she jumped up and down, she tried everything! Meanwhile, mom and I are walking in and out of the room packing up their things, loading up my car, feeding Amelia, and the tantrum is just going on and on! I was trying not to laugh but it's hard! Does anyone else have to fight giggling at the tantrums?

    The funniest part was when I came in from loading the car and my mom goes "maybe she's constipated" - oh yeah I'm sure that's what it is! :laughing:
  4. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member


    Great tantrum stories! Mine haven't really started the tantrums yet - but they are practicing, I can tell! It's only a matter of time. :rolleyes:

    And Aimee, only a grandma could blame a tantrum on being constipated!! That's hilarious!
  5. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Danielle, sorry but :rofl: Your Dr. Seuss Title CRACKED ME UP!!!! :laughing:

    I'm sure it would be a very hard fought contest with many front runners...
  6. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    LOL! Um, I would like to enter Karina in this contest. What is the prize? I can send her to your house for a week? :D Ohh, I've got stories....let me think of a good one.

    And Aimee, too funny about the constipated -- maybe that was your mom's nice way of saying, "your kid has something up her butt!" :lol:
  7. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    It was about a month ago but DS threw a tantrum at the play gym we were at because the magnetic blocks kept coming apart. That was 20 minutes of trying to get their shoes on and walk out the door (I didn't bring the stroller because it is a narrow place) so walking out and holding a screaming toddler and can't find my keys than I get them both in the car. He is fine until we get home and have a "picnic" in the living room. DD, DH and I were all eating and he threw himself around, threw things, kicked DD as she went by and went on for about another 25 minutes. Then he saw us dipping food in some sauce and came up to us running and smiling wanting to dip too! I was emotionally exhausted after that.
  8. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    Oh boy something to look forward to LOL No real tantrums yet. Dillon gets mad and runs off...with his eyes closed...IDK and then calms down. Can tell he will be my tantrum boy b/c of his temper. Not looking forward to it.

  9. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    :laughing: I'm actually a little afraid of one of my DDs because I don't want her to start a tantrum that I don't know how to 'fix.' But even her 'best' tantrum doesn't sound like anything you dealt with today. :hug: can you say "drama queen!"?!
  10. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    The funniest part of Alice's tantrums is when she lays on her stomach, then hits and kicks the ground at the same time, just like in the cartoons.

    I try so hard to not laugh at her tantrums, but when she gets angry, she's so stinking funny.
  11. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    Aimee, my parents have blamed tantrums on equally ridiculous things. Like they just can't imagine their precious angelic grandchildren could do such a thing.

    DD is my funniest tantrum thrower. She does the fall-out on the floor, kicking her legs and rolling around at the same time. What's most entertaining about her fits is that beforehand she makes sure that you are watching. If at some point during the fit you get up and leave the room, she will follow you and then continue the tantrum. If you start to ignore her she adds ear splitting screaming to boot. (Which is why I leave the room 90% of the time.)

    DS is just annoying. He whines and cries and carries on all the while clinging to a pant leg. He does stomp his feet which both DH and I find amusing. (And sometimes I've copied him thinking it would make him laugh. Um...no. That pisses him off more.)
  12. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    My DD does the SCREAMING on the top of her lungs-this will get your attention- crying. I usually send her in another room until she can calm down.

    DS is the big tantrum thrower. He will throw himself on the floor and cry and cry and then if you come near him he says "leeme lone!!!" (leave me alone) If he is really tired and frustrated and you are not complying with his wishes, then he will also yell for whatever he wants that you're not giving him. He's very mean when he throws a fit, so if one of the kids goes near him, he might bite or hit or kick them too, just for being too close. If he is really mad he might also throw things or try to destroy anything nearby. yeah, hes a real charmer!!
  13. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    So far we have been lucky on the tantrums...
    My dad tells a story of when I was little and in the grocery store and throwing a whopper of a tantrum and he was holding on to my arm trying to get out of the store as fast as he could and I yelled as loud as I could "daddy you are hurting my little arm-owwwwweeeee!" he said that got everyone's attention and he was completely emabarrassed! lol so manipulative-even at that age! (of course he absolutely wasnt squeezing my arm, he never even spanked me...although I am sure I deserved a time or two)

    Sophie threw a huge one at a resturaunt once-one of those where everyone there was staring and glaring...needless to say I ate my dinner alone while waiting for the check and dh was in the car...lovely!
    Now when she is throwing a fit she will say in a real evil voice-"dont look at me!" or "you are not my best friend!" those are the meanest things my 4yo can think of to say! lol!
  14. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    not quite full on tantrums here yet, the odd hit, or bit of an arch of the back. But she is adorable when she gets upset and puts both her hands up to her mouth and walks around crying. It is so hard not to just lose it with laughter !! I just tell her to "let it all out" "let out all those emotions, don't keep them bottled up inside". hehe
  15. agolden

    agolden Well-Known Member

    It seems that, so far, I win for sheer duration. Ezra's tantrums pretty well last 1.5 hours. I'm getting very good at ignoring him but the first couple of times I was sure I could do something to make it all better (rookie mistake). He wanted to play in the kitchen. We don't play in the kitchen. Then he asked tearfully for apoo (apple) and I thought, oh, he's hungry but I need to put him down to cut up an apple for him but, of course, he didn't want to be put down but I had to because I'm the mommy and baby was hungry. This just threw him into a complete rage. He jumps in the air and lands on all fours (what's that about??), bangs his head on the floor, you know the drill. Anyways, apple is cut but he refuses to sit in his high chair. I have a rule about holding them while they are eating because if they both want to be held while they are eating, I'm scr***ed. Anyways, I couldn't get him sitting down and I was at the end of my rope so I just held him and offered him a peice of apple, to which he pushes away my hand and screams "NOOOOOO". So I, gritting my teeth, say OK and try to go back into the play area at which point he wails APOOOO, so I pick up a peice of apple to which he pushes away my hand and screams "NOOOO". This goes on for quite a while. I finally just had to let him go through full whirling dervish mode because poor Elias was being neglected and was obviously freaked out by his brother. I could write more of a description of the full 1.5 hours but I think I'm getting post-traumatic flashbacks so I'll stop now.
  16. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    Jack is pretty good at throwing a nice tantrum here and there. I just lay him on the carpet and let him go at it. My favorite part is the way Lily just goes on playing around him as if it is not happening at all. I feel bad for him but yes, sometimes that exaggerated open mouth scream my world is terrible face is almost too funny!
  17. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    Danielle, love the title to this thread!! :laughing:

    My kids don't typically throw tantrums like that but dsd does his own thing. When he gets upset he yells at you and says the most grown up things.Last week he got annoyed with my M&F-IL and looked at them very seriously and told them, "I'm done with you nonnie And pop-pop!" and stormed out of the room.
    Needless to say they were not happy!
  18. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    Hailey is our tantrum thrower... A couple weeks ago she wanted a book that Hannah had. I wouldn't let her take it away from Hannah and gave her another book instead (they looked almost identical). That wouldn't do. She still wanted Hannah's. So I switched the books. Hannah didn't care, she still had a book. NOW Hailey wanted the other book, because Hannah had it I guess. So she threw herself on the floor and screamed... and screamed... nothing would make her happy. Again, there were 3 other almost identical books laying right there but she wanted Hannah's. I finally turned around an ignored her, which made things worse.... She finally gave up after about 15-20 minutes (plus it was time for supper)... so I guess it wasn't that long but it was pretty bad.
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