tantrums my one yr old? anyone else?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twoboys3, Apr 13, 2007.

  1. twoboys3

    twoboys3 Well-Known Member

    My daughter wasnt this way and alex's twin bro isnt this way.. But Alex is soo high stung.. If I say no he'll turn beat red and scream and put his head on the floor. If someone takes something from him that he wants he do the same and throw and roll around the room. I just can not beleive the way he is, I mean if he's this way now hows he going to be when he is 2? His brother is the opposite hes very laid back happy go lucky.. I hope he nots the only one year old out there like this. Hes teething now so Iam hoping itll past after all that..
    thanks misty
  2. Kcampbell

    Kcampbell Well-Known Member

    We call Cody our "Drama King". He started flinging himself backwards and yelling and screaming. Ignoring it only seems to make him get louder. I can only pray his sister doesn't catch on to this behavior! She's pretty laid back, and just watches her brother when he does it with wide eyes.
  3. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    This was a phase in pur house it started shortly afer they turned one but I have not seen this action in a few weeks.

    Both are boys if they got made or didnt get something they wanted would bend over or sit down and put their head on the floor and scream and cry. But like I asid it was just a phase here we ignored it and it stopped.

    Good Luck
  4. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    Yes! Brandon totally had melt downs at and around 1 yr. I suspected it was a commuiaction barrier problem.
    I was right, around 18 months we saw WAY fewer and I don't see any now as he's able to effectivley verbalize now.
    It'll get better, I promise!
  5. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    Nick is our tantrum thrower. In hopes of giving him more communication tools, we are teaching them some signs (Signing Time DVD is pretty captivating to them too, FWIW).

    We are also in the throws of some nasty teething complete with fever, so I'm hoping it will dissapate.
  6. whosermomma

    whosermomma Well-Known Member

    I hope it's only teething! LOL!

    Elijah was like that and still is! I think with him...it's just lack of knowing how to communicate. :blink:
  7. BoysInTheHouse

    BoysInTheHouse Well-Known Member

    I wrote a post just like yours about a month ago. Michael was angry a lot :mad: and throwing tantrums. I was scared :eek: for the future too. Most of the responses I got were that he's a strong-willed boy, he doesn't have the communications tools, and be calm and ignore the tantrums. That's basically what we did and the tantrums eventually subsided after a couple of weeks. :) I was thinking it may have been partially due to teething or he was getting sick, but since it sounds pretty common at the 1 year mark, now I'm thinking it's a phase that comes and goes with strong-willed kids.

    May the strength be with you to remain calm with these challenging episodes. :hug99:
  8. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Oh, my goodness, yes! Being a strong-willed person myself, I suspected that they may have a genetic predisposition ;) I was also afraid of what might happen at 2 if they were throwing themselves on the floor and banging their heads at 1. But, as their communication skills have improved, the tantrums have decreased. They're not gone but the really crazy ones are rare. I'm also doing what I can by being very careful about keeping the blood sugar level with frequent feedings and trying to keep naps and bedtime consistent so they get enough sleep.
  9. marieta

    marieta Well-Known Member

    My DS too! It started a couple months ago and I'm scared to know what age 2 will bring. Maybe this is a boy thing? DD can scream but not tantrum like him!
  10. carilberry

    carilberry Well-Known Member

    Kate is my only child so far that has started the tantrums. It has just been in the last week...and she gets soooo upset. She won't calm down for 45 minutes after she starts one! She usually throws herself on the floor and rolls around and cries/screams. She will then come over and want held. I won't pick her up during her tantrum so that sets her off even more. I usually tell her no, not until you calm down. If she continues, I usually pick her up and remove her from the situation until she calms down. Usually being alone with no reaction from anyone calms her down! I'm probably doing it all wrong, but it works for us!
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