Tantrums and bruises on head

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by HusbandJ, Feb 8, 2007.

  1. HusbandJ

    HusbandJ Well-Known Member

    Are we approaching the terrible twos? Or in all our cases ( with multiples) are we approaching the terrible two twos?

    This week has been pretty difficult. The boys have been having lots of tantrums--I don't deal with it as much as my wife since I'm not home all the time, but it's just as disconcerting.

    They are both really demanding a lot of attention--basically constant, it seems. And when they don't get their way, (and of course, we really can't figure out what they want, otherwise I'm sure we'd give it to them!) they throw themselves on the floor and start banging their heads on the floor! Fortunately, they don't do this at the same time, they have their tantrums separately, but they are now getting black and blue marks on their foreheads from doing this.

    Is this a phase that is going to pass? It sure is difficult, and sometimes I think my wife is going to have a tantrum if it doesn't stop! Thanks for your help! /Joel

    PS, Or is the only solution to get carpeting on all the floors?
  2. HusbandJ

    HusbandJ Well-Known Member

    Are we approaching the terrible twos? Or in all our cases ( with multiples) are we approaching the terrible two twos?

    This week has been pretty difficult. The boys have been having lots of tantrums--I don't deal with it as much as my wife since I'm not home all the time, but it's just as disconcerting.

    They are both really demanding a lot of attention--basically constant, it seems. And when they don't get their way, (and of course, we really can't figure out what they want, otherwise I'm sure we'd give it to them!) they throw themselves on the floor and start banging their heads on the floor! Fortunately, they don't do this at the same time, they have their tantrums separately, but they are now getting black and blue marks on their foreheads from doing this.

    Is this a phase that is going to pass? It sure is difficult, and sometimes I think my wife is going to have a tantrum if it doesn't stop! Thanks for your help! /Joel

    PS, Or is the only solution to get carpeting on all the floors?
  3. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Oh gosh, mine had and still have pretty bad tantrums... we have hard floors as well, so they do get bumps and bruises more frequently. Carpeting would help, I think...

    But, they will still get bumps and bruises elsewhere...
  4. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Oh, oh, oh. I am sorry but I am glad to hear that my nearly 2 yo ds, is not the only toddler on the planet who has the get down on the floor and bang your forehead on the tile tantrums. I hope it passes. I have been told it will, so I continue to hold out hope. Good luck. [​IMG]
  5. AKD

    AKD Well-Known Member

    Chris did that alot and did get lots of bruises, he still does it to some extent but once he realized that it hurt when he did it, he started making more noise than contact, I think for the effect. Like he'll bump his head every so slightly then cry like crazy saying he hurt his head. I think if you don't react to it too much, eventually they will stop when they realize there are other ways to get your attention when they're angry.
  6. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Ryan does this all the time. It drives me crazy. I have learned to ignore it because the more attention I give the more he bangs his head. It has gotten somewhat better since I started ignoring him, so now it doesn't happen every day.
  7. me_and_my_boy

    me_and_my_boy Well-Known Member

    My boys are 19 months and we are having the head banging parties here too! We have some carpet and some hardwood. They bang on both. They also bang their heads back against the wall, on the tv stand, on the metal gate. They just bang...when DH or I are trying to get something done (like make their dinner) and aren't paying enough attention to them. I really hate it too and their forheads look horrible. I was trying time out w/them and putting them in our old pack n play when they were banging their head. Then Jackson started banging his head on the plastic corners of the pack n play while in time out for banging his head [​IMG].

    Now I find if I ignore it, they stop. I hate that they do this, but I figure they will stop when it hurts or they don't get the attention they are looking for.

    Hang in there...this is a phase!

  8. kerilynh

    kerilynh Well-Known Member

    My boys are only 15 months and the one is definatly a head banger, the other only does it cause the first one does. Trust me if it isn't the floor, it will be the walls or even their hands if need be. Mine can run into a wall get a EGG on his forehead but yet fall head first from climbing out of his crib (or shopping cart) and not get a thing. the bumps and bruises will come from something else. And the head banging, well, I still haven't figured out how to stop that other than physically holding them from doing it.

  9. HusbandJ

    HusbandJ Well-Known Member

    Well, this is pretty hilarious reading all your responses, but it makes me feel better anyway! It sounds like the best advice is to just try to ignore--I can't wait for tomorrow so I can steel myself and try to do just that.

    I also know what you mean about the one only doing it because the the other guy does it. I'm pretty sure that's what happened with our twins, but I can't for the life of me remember who actually started it--well, that will make for good going to bed discussion tonite!

    Thanks! Joel
  10. mbcrox

    mbcrox Well-Known Member

    The best advice I can give you is to ignore it! Children will repeat over and over the behaviors that get attention. I would suggest being matter of fact and walking away. I would bet that very soon the behavior would stop. Remember, even negative behavior gets repeated if they get attention from doing this. Ignore it. Good Luck (I know it's always easier said than doing it!)
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