tandem feeding logistics

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by bstone716, Mar 31, 2008.

  1. bstone716

    bstone716 Well-Known Member

    ok, I think I'm ready to break down and try tandem nursing. while I've enjoyed the one-on-one time with the boys, my nerves can no longer take one screaming while the other is feeding. I'm home alone most of the day, so I'll need to do this sans-assistance. Oh, and I'm going back to work in 2 weeks...

    Instructions, please!! :D

  2. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member

    This was the only way I could do it.
  3. nepolm

    nepolm Well-Known Member

    I also use the foam EZ-2 Nurse Twins Nursing Pillow!

    This is how I do it:

    1. Set one baby down in the boppy on the floor just in front of the couch.
    2. Strap on the pillow and place the back support on the couch.
    3. Get the other baby, sit down and get the baby I'm holding in position (but not latched.)
    4. Reach down for the baby on the floor with my monkey arms, while simultaneously holding baby on the pillow so she doesn't fall off as I lean down.
    5. Latch one baby on, then the other.

    Good luck! I definitely suggest practicing while someone is there to help you if you can!
  4. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    Hey lil'sis B) I ditto attempting this the first few times when dh is home to help, then after a few days try it on your own.

    I would normally set up on my couch.
    -grab the phone, remote, burpies, etc and place in reach (under the sides of the pillow is normally where I placed them)
    -place the back pillow where I would be sitting
    -I would place a baby just to the side of where I would be sitting, at that age they couldn't really roll off, once they could I would use a boppy or bumbo
    -strap on the pillow, pickup up the other baby
    -sit down, grab the baby waiting on the couch while holding the other baby against me and the pillow
    -latch each one on and go to town :p

    At that age I often also placed a blanket or small pillow under both sides of the pillow to make it more "secure", so it wouldn't wobble. I also needed a second back pillow for a while so that the fit was right and they wouldn't roll into the space between my tummy and the pillow.

    HTH :D
  5. runnergirl

    runnergirl Well-Known Member

    I used the EZ 2 Nurse pillow. I would strap the pillow on, put one baby in the Boppy in the corner of our sectional, get the other baby and sit down next to Boppy baby, latch 1st Baby on and then carefully reach over and get 2nd baby on and latched. This worked great until they started moving around too much and being able to crawl out of the Boppy on the sofa. They I switched to sitting on the floor, cross-legged with my EZ 2 nurse.

    you can do it. Like you, I started tandem feeds because my blood pressure would go through the roof as I fed one and listened to the other cry. And DH was back at work with a week or so of them being born. So, my situation was much like yours! It took some practice to find the most comfortable spot, but having the EZ 2 Nurse pillow and the Boppy was a HUGE help!

    Good luck and keep up the good work BF'ing those babies! :)
  6. bstone716

    bstone716 Well-Known Member

    Thanks, guys!

    Next part: How do you handle burping? Unlatch them at the same time?? I will most likely be using a nipple shield...

    Thanks again!

    P.S.--I'm a teacher, so I like step-by-step instructions. :p
  7. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    The burping is harder to do a play by play on. I would just put the one that unlatched first (usually ds) over the shoulder of the side he was nursing on and burp him, it takes some practice, as with all things, but that part was not hard for me. I also would burp them both again once they were both done.
  8. TwinsInOkinawa

    TwinsInOkinawa Well-Known Member

    If you are by yourself, I'd practice on the floor a few times before you tackle the couch, just for your sanity. Really, though, if they aren't rolling, you'll be fine on the couch.

    I also used the EZ-2-Nurse pillow, but you can do it with a boppy and other pillow surrounding you, just not as easily.

    1) One baby on each side of you - surrounded by pillows or boppy's so they don't wiggle away
    2) Strap the pillow on
    3) Get back support set up
    4) Sit down and get comfortable
    5) Grab one baby (I usually grabbed the one on my left first)
    6) Set her on the pillow, but not latched
    7) Hold the first baby with an elbow/arm, reach over and grab the other baby
    8 Go back to the first, latch her on.
    10) Nurse, re-latch, whatever needs done.
    11) When done, remove one baby, set her back surrounded by the pillows/boppy.
    12) Burp the other
    13) Burp the first one
    14) Change a couple diapers, then repeat! :)

    I didn't have bad refluxers, so they could wait a few minutes to burp (and actually were usually easier to burp if I did). If I needed to burp in the middle of a feed, I would just elbow the one on the pillow and lift the other one over my shoulder.

    Of course, if there are others around, they can always burp one for you or give you the second baby after you have latched the first one.

    As they get older, now, when I nurse tandem I do it on the floor because they like to roll off the pillow. Sometimes I just let them latch on standing up, too!

    Good luck - it will save you bunches of time once you figure it out.

  9. andrew/kaitlyn/smom

    andrew/kaitlyn/smom Well-Known Member

    We've had the most success when I lie flat on my back in bed. They lie parallel to me, with their feet down by my waist, lying belly to belly with me. It's a little easier if you put a pillow under each arm. It seems like they wouldn't be able to breathe like this, but they'll turn their heads a little to clear noses.
  10. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    Have your tried it yet???
  11. bstone716

    bstone716 Well-Known Member

    no... :unknw:

    it's been a rough week...
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