
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by boys, Apr 12, 2007.

  1. boys

    boys New Member

    Hi there,

    I was just wondering if you ladies have some advice.
    I know they say twins take longer to talk, but how much longer?
    My boys just make bizarre sounds but I have no idea what they are saying, its not sensible.
    Should they not be saying a few words at least? we make sure we repeat things over and over again but they make no effort in trying to say them back. I'm just a little concerned something may be wrong? Any advice??
  2. greatexpectations

    greatexpectations Well-Known Member

    My twins only say mama right now and even that is not consistent. Our pedi, who we will see next week for our 15 month wellness, said by phone last month that as long as they seem like they are picking up on everything else (pointing at things like objects, body parts, etc. and can do various other things) he's not too worried, yet. I think around 18 months, if they still aren't saying anything or very little, EI or other therapy might be requested.

    Still, I hear ya. I worry all the time. I feel like they aren't ever going to start, but I know they will. They are right on target with so many other things ... but not talking.

    If you are concerned, though, you can always have your doctor refer you for an eval, just in case.
  3. cabonnell

    cabonnell Well-Known Member

    Oh heavens no. If they aren't making words and putting a couple of them together by age 2, then get worried. Mine just started "talking" to me within the past 3 months. They look at me and tell me a full story quite seriously (not that I understand a word of it) but they are trying to articulate it. They know their animals and objects and tell me what they are but I'd say they finally said like cow and duck probably around Christmas so they would have been around 18 months? Give them tons more time. All the articles I've read basically say if they don't by age 2, then worry but til then don't sweat it.
  4. CandRMom

    CandRMom Active Member

    I just wanted to second the PP. My pedi always told us the most important thing prior to them talking is that they understand you. Just keep talking to them, pointing out things and they will just amaze you one day by saying a word back!!!

    FWIW, I was concerned at our 2 year appointment because although they understood everything we said to them (and even "talked back") they were saying only the first syllable of many words. :blink: , but single syllable words they had no problem with. He wasn't going to be concerned unless that was the case by 2.5. And here it is about a month later and they are saying new (multi syllable) words daily!!

    I wouldn't be concerned at the age yours are, but you can always talk to your Pedi for advice.
  5. MommyTo3andCounting

    MommyTo3andCounting Well-Known Member

    I was really nervous about this with my boys. They were almost 2 and still only said a couple of words, but could "talk" all day to each other. We mentioned it to the ped and he said the first step was a hearing test, which they passed. He recommended speech therapy, and all the sudden the boys just starting chattering away. Guess they didn't want a speech therapist ;)

    You've got plenty of time before you need to worry. My boys used to loved flash cards with simple pictures on them, we would go through the flash cards and I would say what the picture was. I think it really helped them.
  6. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine are the same age as yours and really only say mama and dada and other sounds, baba, tata, etc. They do make all kinds of noise like they are trying to talk so I think that is good. I just try and talk to them as much as possible. Like if I'm handing them their cup I may say "drink". Or if we look outside I will say "outside". Just keep talking to them and they will pick it up. I also say whatever something is if I hand them something.
  7. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    At 14 months (right where yours are) I was starting to worry a bit too, because they were barely saying anything. Then at about 16 months we had a language explosion (just like everyone says!). Amy now pops out with a new word practically every day (although they are still usually just consonant + vowel sound, and not understandable to anyone but DH and me). Sarah is a bit behind her, but still picking up speed. Definitely don't worry yet. The changes between 15-18 months are huge.
  8. boys

    boys New Member

    Thanks so much ladies. I feel much better now. I'm sure in no time I will be wishing the would stop talking so much! LOL :lol:
  9. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    We are to awaiting the ay that are kids use actual words....LOL

    We can understand what they mean though but I'm sure where the only ones
    Garbage is Got
    Food is NAH!!!..LOL
    They can say mom-mom and dada / dat-e, nah-nah

    and they have words for cat, dog, that and a few other things I cant think of right now but it might be that they only say the sound of the first letter of a word like cat is ca and dog is da, and the ped told me that even if no one else understand what they mean except for their mom and dad that thats ok.

    Good Luck
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