
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by newtothis, Aug 23, 2010.

  1. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    my LOs dont speak much. aside from everything being dadda out of one LO, my other grunts when he wants something. there is babbling but not much talking.
    is this normal?
  2. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    They are still within the normal range. Neither of my boys talked at all until 1 week before they hit 15 months. Then by the time we had their 15-month appointment just one week later, Alex had 3 words and Will had 6. By 18m, they each had about 50 so they definitely caught up. It's good that they are babbling. Do they produce a variety of sounds? Do they seem to understand much of what you say? I would talk about it with your pedi at their 15-month appointment (if you have one), but most likely he or she will say not to worry just yet.
  3. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    i do have a 15 month appt. i was just reading 'what to expect, the toddler years' and now of course im like - great. my kiddies dont talk!!

    they do make a variety of sounds and squeals. they say mamma, dadda and the dogs name. thats it. but they say DA DA alllll dayyyy long. one son doesnt point; the other one points at everything.
  4. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't worry too much at this point. Sounds like they are babbling even if a lot of it is dada. In the last month words have exploded after pure babbling. Zoe easily has 40-50 words. Jude is probably closer to a core 10. Still, Jude may not "say" as many but she has entire conversations of jibberish with me...and the trees, sometimes a stuffed animal, or the TV. The girl makes no sense but doesn't stop to breathe. I bet you are on the verge. And...I LOVE the pointing. :)
  5. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    Oh, if they say mama, dada, and the dogs' name (all with meaning) that counts as 3 words, which is definitely in the normal range for 15 months!
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Sounds about right for 15 two only had a few words at 15 months...I think by the time they hit 18 months they were saying 10-15 words. Their language improved from 18-24 months and then really took off after 24 months.
  7. lawilliams77

    lawilliams77 Well-Known Member

    In addition to PPs, I've heard from many people that twins tend to be a little behind with speech. I guess the theory is that they develop their own language with eachother. I don't know about that but we have tried and tried to teach ours words and it really just hasn't clicked yet. Mine are about where yours are with speech. I have noticed some improvement over the past couple of weeks. I'm reassured that they make a lot of constanant sounds. I know eventually they'll be talking like crazy. The 0-3 program did find mine to have about a 38 percent delay in expressive/receptive language so we were able to qualify for developmental therapy once a week. I know they will be just fine but I also like having a little extra help with this.
  8. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    Our boys are the exact same. Both say dadda, mamma, and just babble a lot (though they can go long periods without many sounds too). And Brandon learned to point 2 weeks ago so he points at lots of stuff, but Colin hasn't pointed yet. Colin also recently qualified for EI due to an expressive language delay, and he just had his first official appointment with the speech therapist this evening. The EI folks said he is VERY close to his adjusted age as far as his speech development and they didn't seem concerned at all and think he will catch up in no time. I'm not worried about their talking, or lack thereof, at this age. And I'm also really glad I don't have time to read all of those books that instill fear in so many mommas. I agree with a PP on another thread who recommended that you throw out your What To Expect books ;)
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