
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by JboysMom08, Mar 26, 2010.

  1. JboysMom08

    JboysMom08 Member

    How soon does most twins start talking. Mine talk, using their own language between the two of them and they try and say a few words but thats it. We work with them and try and make them say what they want, point things out in books, which they LOVE reading books and we read to them ALL THE TIME. They know what things are when you ask to point tem out. Peyton say golf ball especially whenever he sees anything to do with golf. We sing to them. Is there something I can do??
  2. luvmytwins08

    luvmytwins08 Well-Known Member

    My two have begun talking around 5 months ago. They are 15 months. They say "mama, dada, light, apple, hot, more (their word for food), Chris, Ryan (their brothers names recent words) smack, and dance" They also do their own language ( babling) which I think is so adorable! I believe it really starts to pick up around 18 months. Cant wait! Austin will be the kind of kid who says "why?" "how" over and over! such a chatter box!
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would say that mine started to say a couple of words around 12 months, by 18 months they each had 20 plus words. I would say both of them had a language explosion between 18-24 months and now at 27 months, I can almost have a conversation with the both of them. Especially my chatterbox DD who loves to talk about everything she is doing and seeing.
  4. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    my girls are almost 21 months old & still don't have very many words - consistently we get no ( :rolleyes: ), up, barking sounds (for dog), done, colour and sometimes hockey (yes, we're Canadian). their receptive language is amazing so while they're "technically" a little bit behind with spoken language i'm not too worried about it.

    i think it sounds like you're doing everything right & i think you should try not to worry. like all developmental milestones, they'll get it in their own sweet time. :good:
  5. JboysMom08

    JboysMom08 Member

    The boys talk, they said their first word around 8 months, it was dada. Now they say mama, cheese, keys, golf ball, pizza, mickey, kitty and doggy. Just some of the words are not that clear. They are 22 months now, I just hope they start talking more soon. They have their own language between them and it is cute, I just want to hear them talk more. I can't wait till they say love you. My daughter is 14 now and started talking around 2 1/2 or 3.
  6. lovemytwinsx2

    lovemytwinsx2 Well-Known Member

    My one son started talking the usual "mama,dada, baba" around 12 mos, my other son nothing until about 1.5 months later, he was too busy concentrating on his walking. The son that started talking first now says "bye, sit, chair, and wasdat" my later talker still says only those 3 words. but both do LOTS and LOTS of babbling, having their own baby talk conversations, I just love it. Remember each child hits milestones at different times, they will get there...

    Also, neither one makes any animal sounds even though i say it till i am blue in the face..LOL..but they do know the meaning of MANY words...
  7. baby2hughes

    baby2hughes Well-Known Member

    Mine are 19.5 months and just say "da" and point to everything. They are babling a lot more but still not using the appropriate amount of words. I know that every kid develops differently. Our Pediatrician recommended an Early Child Intervention(ECI) evaluation to see if they were behind or not. We just had this done on Wed and they did test behind approx. 6 months. So now we are going to get help once a month, trying different approaches to forming words. I know it is frustrating when you try everything you can. We do nothing but read and repeat words, and name and point to everything. They might just not be ready to talk and are content with the twin-talk they have. If you are concerned I would look into your local ECI and see about an evaluation. I am trying to accept this as it is hard, but they were born 8 weeks early so I have given them credit that they are fully caught up in everything else plus ahead in some areas developmentally. Sorry for the long explaination, but I understand what you are going through!
  8. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    My guys were pretty early talkers (esp. Nate), and say a LOT of words now, plus some 2-word phrases. I've heard a lot of people say that boys and twins often speak later than girls or singletons, though. I'm sure my guys' verbal proficiency is 99% them, and 1% my effort, but I try to encourage them by reading, using flash cards, and giving them a lot of picture books. I also do signing with them.

    But even though my guys say a lot, many times it's not understandable by anyone else. They're still not very clear in their pronunciation AT ALL and sometimes I can only understand what they're saying when they also sign along with the words. :pardon: It takes a while for children's speech to become fully "correct" with regards to pronunciation. From what I've read, some things aren't pronounced correctly by the average child until after the age of 3!
  9. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    sounds like you are doing great. ours didn't have but maybe 1 word at 15 months, and maybe 3 to 5 at

    (see below... I hit enter too quick!)
  10. luvmytwins08

    luvmytwins08 Well-Known Member

    i hate when people say boys develop slower than girls. I have 4 boys and they have all developed same or even sooner than their counterparts. I think its all genetic and individual desire to talk. My twins are in a busy house of 6 of us so there is so much vocabulary going ALL the time :) lol so they are bound to pick up words faster if they were in a house of 1 or 2 people.
  11. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    whoops hit enter too soon!

    anyway, maybe 3 to 5 at 18 months. they both have quite a few now, but I don't think anything is clear but "bye, bye"!

    I've started focusing on animal sounds, and they know quite a few, its pretty cute. especially to point out animals in their favorite books. I didn't realize I was "teaching" them that the owl says "hoooo hoooo" until one day my ds said that when we got to the page in that book! pretty cool!! the other day we were on a bike trail and there were 2 horses in a field nearby, we stopped and my son was trying to talk to the horse "neigh, neigh"!!! the horse even came right up to us.

    anyway, another friend with a child in EI told me that one thing they were told to do was to show them the item, then make them ask for it again. they started with bubbles. she showed her child the bubbles. then asked her if she wanted to see more bubbles, say bubbles... Also for food, she only gives her a few pieces at a time then makes her ask for "more"... I just think repetition is the key. We did a few signs and my dd still doesn't say near as many words as my ds but she'll do the sign for "more" or "please"...

    good luck!
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