
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by deniseandtwins, Mar 28, 2009.

  1. deniseandtwins

    deniseandtwins Well-Known Member

    When did your twins start talking?

    My two talk in their own language non-stop. They do say a few english words such as: Mamma, Daddy, some animal names, car and Milena will point to something and say 'whatz that?' I have resorted to telling them to look at my mouth when I say a word, so that they can see how my mouth forms the word. Am I just being impatient wanting them to talk for my own sanity?! lol! Or should I be worried that they're not talking clearly yet?

    Their pedi said that if they're not talking at their two year appointment that they may need to be evaluated..although my nephew only started talking when he turned 3..and now my sister can't shut him up! :D
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    We called Early Intervention at 21 months for one of my girls because I saw no improvement in words from 18 to 21 months. My other DD wasn't talking too much more, but building her vocabulary quickly.

    Asking them to look at your mouth is excellent!! That's exactly what EI taught us to do. They would say "my eyes" to get my dd to look at them. They also said if you are showing them an object to put it near your mouth so they can look at your mouth as you say the word. Another suggestion was to get out the picture books often and just point and name.
  3. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Michelle gave you some excellent suggestions. One of my friends DDs wasn't saying much at 2 and while her older DS was being evaluated by EI they also eval'ed her DD. Right after the eval her DD exploded with words and sentences. I think some kids just want to say it perfectly. Do they follow directions and understand what you are saying to them? I'm sure if they are eval'ed at 2 years it will be well worth it for the tips they'll give you. :hug:
  4. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine do the same as what it sounds like yours do - they babble all the time, they say "mama" "daddy" etc and they even say what sounds like "what's this?" and "whatz that?" but that's it. I have no idea when they will start talking!
  5. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    My girls say nothing. They make mama and dada sounds, but never specifically for DH or I. They babble all the time, but there is nothing that resembles any meaning.
  6. canucktwins

    canucktwins Well-Known Member

    I have been wondering the same thing about Oliver(19mths). He mostly still babbles with the odd choo-choo or woof-woof thrown in. Charlotte says probably 100+words and is starting to string 2 words together=me go, up please... It's weird because Oliver is my book boy, I read 20+ books to him per day with lots of vocab building pictures. I think his sister just talks for him but I am starting to worry too.
  7. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    Jack and Lily really started taking off verbally around 18 months. Now, they are saying three word sentences and basically run around like parrots copying EVERYTHING that we say. They also come up with thoughts and ideas themselves and are able to put them into words, for example... On friday when Jack woke up DH had already left for work. Jack looked around for him and I told him daddy was working. Jack responded with "daddy work money". This means daddy is at work making money. Lily loves to give adjectives to things and runs around saying things like "good puppy" or "Jack good boy". Today, while looking into her diaper and trying to pull it off she exclaimed "Lily big poopy".

    I think that in the past few weeks things have progressed pretty quickly.
  8. deniseandtwins

    deniseandtwins Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much for your responses. Michael & Milena follow directions perfectly and know exactly what we are saying most of the time (to them that is). Also they catch on when DH and I are talking about going out..they immediately run for the door...

    The other thing is that DH and his mom are Bulgarian, so they are learning both English and Bulgarian & I think this is putting their vocab a bit back..

    Thanks again!
  9. Buttercup1

    Buttercup1 Well-Known Member

    My girls aren't really saying much either, they probably have 30-40 words and signs. I have one in EI mostly for gross motor but they are seeing her for language too. She just had an evaluation and the scored at a 17 month level for language. They understand probably half of what I tell them.

    It wouldn't hurt to get an EI assessment...
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