Talking like a baby...everyday

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MrsWright, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Let me start by saying the boys spoke early (16 months) and have always had great speech. Lately Jack has been irritating me by saying things like "Potty!" Instead of "I have to go potty" or the like or my favorite is just random babble jumble of words. He talks normal 1/2 the time and then just says the random words the other half....just now he came up and tried to touch the mouse and as I was removing his hand saying don't touch he said "cakey" wth does that mean!?!
    Anyone go through this? I know Hannah is starting to talk so if she says a word we will say "Yes Hannah...cup" or whatever she said but this has been going on for awhile now and its starting to get on my nerves!!!! :gah:
  2. sulik110202

    sulik110202 Well-Known Member

    My kids do this sometimes and we always just say something like "I don't understand baby talk, pleae use your words." If they won't use words then we just ignore the baby talk. I agree that it can be very frustrating.
  3. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I have a differnt problem with my one DS. He won't speak at all, just points :gah: They just turned 4 and he will stand at the freezer, open the door and point. Or he will stand in front of me and point to his mouth and then his stomach. When we ask him what he wants, he'll just repeat. Then when I say "are you hungry" he will nod his head. After that I tell him he has to use his words because I don't understand pointing and I walk away.

    I'm pretty sure after a few days of telling him that you don't understand his baby talk, he'll be talking again like a big boy.
  4. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    Naomi and Luke did (do) this and it drives me batty! :crazy: They were older when they started though, I think about 4 1/2. I basically did as pp's have suggested and ignored them/told them to talk properly, which worked fine for getting them to ask me things but didn't do anything to stop them talking that way between themselves. :gah: I had to just breath deeply and try to block it out. Thankfully they now only do it when they are making their stuffed toys talk to each other which is more bearable, and I have my hopes it will stop completely soon.
  5. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    Oops, double post!
  6. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member


    I had a baby so that might be part of it but WHOAH it drives me bonkers!

    I BEG them to stop and that seems to make it worse. So. I'm ignoring it now! UGH.
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