talking at 15 months

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mandywellman, Jul 5, 2011.

  1. mandywellman

    mandywellman Well-Known Member

    The girls turned 15 months this past saturday. They are not really talking that much. Bable alot, mama baba dada, but i feel like tey dont associate it with us, i feel like they just bable it all the time.

    they can tell me what a dog says and a bear and a bird.

    they are smart!

    but just curious should they be associate words? and talking more now? when did your twins repeat words yoou would say and start talking?

  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Animal sounds count as words. :good:

    My girls had a couple of words by their 18 month appointment (I think they barely met the doc's 5 word minimum). After that their language seemed to grow in fits & starts - then, just after their 2nd birthday, it exploded. Now they talk all the time. :faint: ;)
  3. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    My girls started with a few words at 17 months. Even then I'd say they were sounds that I associated with things but not actual words that anyone but me understood. Before that it was just babbling. I took them to be assessed at 17 months and was told animal sounds count as words too so that put their count up towards "normal" since they know lots of animal sounds :).

    One week (at 17 months) they weren't saying anything and the next week they both had about 5 words (up, uh oh, mama, papa, cat). Now that it's started they seem to have a new word every day and they have started repeating sounds, not necessarily the words but that's how it starts.

    I'd say your girls sound like they are ahead of where my girls were 3 months ago so they should start soon and then like the PP said, they don't stop, lol :)!!!
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My kids started with some words before 12 months (like 1-5-dada, mama, cat, ball), added a few more words between 12-15 months and continued to do so throughout that year. But after they turned 2, their language really exploded.
  5. babyhopes09

    babyhopes09 Well-Known Member

    That sounds about right for that age. I have 15 month olds as well and I work as a speech-language pathologist with children in that age group.. my kiddos sound much like yours and I am not worried in the least. In fact, all that babbling is a great thing! Are they pointing? If they are pointing and vocalizing.. even if it's not words, then that is a wonderful start. Keep in mind that babbling has a major purpose too. They start to understand the back and forth of conversation, intonation, appropriate voice volume, etc. They may also be attempting to repeat words that you don't quite recognize as "words" yet.. Also keep in mind too that if you are ever in doubt that it is okay to err on the side of caution and mention it to your pediatrician. There is a lot of good literature and checklists out there too that will give you an idea of what normal speech/language development is for each age. Your ped should have some good resources. If you can't find a good checklist, then PM me and I'll get one to you!

    Also wanted to add.. remember that language development isn't just expressive (e.g., talking), it is also receptive (i.e., understanding).. as well as social.. SO.. look for other signs of language development that they might be doing... like following simple directions (e.g., go get your shoes and bring them to mama!) or understanding of familiar vocabulary and conversation (e.g., it's bathtime!).
  6. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    Mine had no words until 25 and 27 months, but their receptive language was great. Late talking runs in my family. My dad was 2.5, my mother's brother was 2.5 and my second singleton was 22 months. I didn't worry about it. They are 8.5 now and both are quite advanced verbally.
  7. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    Don't worry too much about it yet.
    Once they start talking they will never stop. So enjoy it while you can. :ibiggrin:
  8. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    Like so many other milestones, there's a pretty wide range of normal. And I've seen it all with my kids. DS2 talked before a year and was speaking in complete paragraphs by 2. Seriously. He's 8 now and a total jabberwocky! DS1 wasn't really talking much at all at 2 and even at 4, he really had to think to pull words out. With my twins Sabrina was much more verbal and starting to talk a little at about 15 months. Sydney just grunted until almost 2. It drove me a little nuts. Sage and Spencer were kind of in the middle of the normal range. With Spencer, he had amazing comprehension, but was obviously very frustrated about not being able to communicate. He really was my grumpiest baby for a very long time. But around 22 months his language skills really blossomed and now he's talking more and more all the time, in sentences (though not always gramatically correct). His personality has done a total 180 and he's so much happier and more pleasant to be around.
  9. 2xjoy

    2xjoy Well-Known Member

    My twinnies ae much the same. They are 15 months and can do maybe 4 animal noises, mama, dada and a couple of other 'words' that I can understand lol.
    They also do maybe 4-6 signs that I taught them from around 6-7 months. Things like fingers and thumb to mouth for 'breakfast/lunch/dinner etc' and hands out in front palms up then cross backwards and forwrds over each other to say 'all gone!'. I only made these up and repeated the word as I did it.

    Very true. t1 understands sooooooo much more than she can actually say. You can see her little mind ticking over when she is thinking about something. So clever! :D I f you ask her to go get her shoes so we can go outside, she does just that.
  10. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Mine can say mama, hey dad (they always call their dad that now), NA(no), baba alot, ...couple vnese words. They pretty much understand what we say. They point to right people when asked. They point to belly, nose, face when asked. And yes bable 2-3 syllable words alot. Also they ''sing humm hmmm" when listening to music, of course we don't understand lol.

    So I think it's normal. At this age they learn vocabularies at the fastest speed. You will be surprised how much they can understand.
  11. mommylaura

    mommylaura Well-Known Member

    My girl was only saying mama, dada, and uh oh at her 15 month appt, and then started using tons of words within a week! My boys both started using words around 11 months. As long as there are 3 words other than mama and dada around 15 months (and animal sounds count, I would think!) I wouldn't worry. Things can change so fast at this age!
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