Taking them to the park

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 2boysforus, Apr 25, 2008.

  1. 2boysforus

    2boysforus Well-Known Member

    I have been racking my brain trying to figure out how to take my 15 mo. old boys to the park to play (this question probably sounds crazy, I know). We have several nice, big greenbelts they love to run around in, but I've never taken them by myself. DH has always been with me so we could easily wrangle them up.

    I'm afraid of doing this on my own b/c anytime we let them loose, they're off in two different directions! :crazy: How do you all do it? Thanks for the advice!!
  2. Moms2NTwins

    Moms2NTwins Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=12pt]Sadly I dont. I just cant handle the 2 of them in "the open" alone...it's impossible for me. I thought the closer they got to 3 it would get better...slowly but not enough for em to trust the 2 of them yet.[/SIZE]
  3. Rose524

    Rose524 Well-Known Member

    I don't do it either. There is now way I could chase them both at the same time. And they are too young to understand the concept of staying in one spot. I only take them places where they are contained in their stroller, or where I have someone helping me.
  4. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    You just have to do it! The first step to figuring out what works for you is stepping out and giving it a shot!
  5. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    I go with other Moms mainly. But there is one park not too far from hear that is really back from the street that I am thinking of trying by myself. I will go pretty much when it opens, so no other kids to have to watch out for. I'm not there yet - but that is my plan. I think the more we get out, the easier it will be, but I haven't ventured by myself with all three girls yet.
  6. Hillybean

    Hillybean Well-Known Member

    I am lucky that my girls aren't very hard to control. My friend on the other hand has a very active little boy. She likes to go to park that are fenced in.

    I also find that the girls (and my friends son) really just love to sit in the swings.

    I say you just need to go for it - you might be surprised with how well you can handle it.
  7. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    I didn't either, I could never monitor both at the same time DH and I always took both together. They are just now able to properly climb and play where I don't have to be right behind them. I would probably start taking them by myself closer to 3 for now we only go when DH can strictly watch one and I the other.
  8. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    That age was hard. I did it last summer when my two were 16 months, but I took my 6.5 year old DD to help too. Now at 26 months it is much easier to take them both to the park by myself. But at that age, I found it was much easier to take someone with me.
  9. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    The only park we go to alone is fenced in on three sides and I block the one entrance with my stroller... I tried with the help of a friend o go to an unfenced park... never again!!
  10. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    For some reason it hasn't occurred to my girls that they can walk at the park. I bring the stroller in and put them right from the stroller to the swings. We swing for awhile and then sometimes use the stroller to go over the baby slide and play on that. I'm sure as summer approaches they are going to figure out that they should be out of their stroller and running around with the other kids, but for now I will enjoy being able to handle both at the park alone. Sorry no advice, just wanted to let you know that you aren't alone.
  11. 2boysforus

    2boysforus Well-Known Member

    Whew! Thank you so much, ladies. I've been feeling like I might be depriving them of fun playtime/outside opportunities during the week when DH isn't home. I've been so worried about keeping them safe, I haven't tried it yet. I think I'll continue holding off and waiting until I have someone with me.

    Thank you!!
  12. Jennifer P

    Jennifer P Well-Known Member

    My girls get so excited to go to the park that when they get there they take off running for the slide...they are normally runners but they were good about learning their limitations and staying where I could manage/help them.
  13. jakeandpeytonsmommy

    jakeandpeytonsmommy Well-Known Member

    You just do it...you won't know how they will be until you try.
    Mine might run in two different directions, so I go and grab one and run to the other. It's tiring, but they love the park!
  14. imlodog

    imlodog Well-Known Member

    i think you just have to do it! the more you expose them to it, the more they will get used to it. at first they are going to be like, ooohhh...freedom!! and probably run...just be prepared. always go for the kid nearest you and run to the other if you have to. do you have any other mother's that can go to the park w/ you to "help". i usually bring the kids to in their wagon or we walk...i have always taught them to hold my hand...and they usually do...they reach for me first. it is all getting them used to a routine for the outside. just keep talking to them too and tell them everything you are doing and why.

    i always feel like the crazy lady at the playground...i wish i had 8 arms and 16 pairs of eyes! i am running all over the place trying to watch them. i usually try to keep them on the same apparatus though...i don't want one trying to climb the stairs while i have to swing one in a swing...kwim?

    good luck...

  15. Gordana

    Gordana Well-Known Member

    I agree with the others who say to just go for it. Yesterday was the first time I let them run in the park and they loved it. (I used to just go to the park to put them on the swings). They ran around just to explore but once they figured out the slide was fun, that's where they spent most of their time. Also, where one went, the other followed. I just took them tonight to the park and it was easier because now they just stick to the area where the slide is. I take my kids to a park which is nestled between houses so it's no where near the road and there is plenty of room for them to run and have fun.
  16. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    At that age, I would take them in the stroller and roll them right up to the swings. That was about all we could do. Bea still had some fear about walking in the grass, and Ainsley wasn't walking until 19 months. I have to say though, even once they were walking well, they've never really ran off on me. They pretty much stick to the playground area. Most of our parks and playgrounds have some sort of boundary. The only problem I've really had is we have one park that is kind of spread out and the parking area is far away from the playground, so I had to haul two heavy toddlers, kicking and screaming, back to the car when it was time to go.
  17. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I tried taking my boys swimming last Summer at a friend's neighborhood pool and IT WAS HORRIBLE! They were all over the place, fearless around the water, and more interested in the trash cans and bathrooms than going swimming. I left feeling like I couldn't take them anywhere. This year, they're walking across the parking lot holding my hands to go to the potty and I can call and have them respond most of the time. There are still places that I won't take them on my own. The local park, for example, has no fences, a very close parking lot, and poor visibility since the equipment is a giant, wooden hamster maze full of entrances and exits. There is simply no way I can watch both there. But the older they get, the more we can do. It used to be hard just to take them into our yard (not much for fences, loads of dangers) but I do that on my own all of the time now. Part of it is practice but part of it is their maturity.
  18. Emerald

    Emerald Well-Known Member

    I dressed them in the exact same coats do I could glance: 1, then 2, ok they are both there.
    I go when there is nobody or only one or two other kids around at that age. Sometimes just a big park that is a field so they can run around with a ball. There are plenty of these parks when I am.
    At that age, I only planned on staying 20 minutes or so. If they could handle it, then we would stay a bit longer.
    I also like the parks that are fenced in.
  19. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    At that age, I didn't. I would always have a SIL or my mom or someone available to go with me. They NOW can go with just me and act fine and listen. There is a track around the park we go to, and I walk a couple miles around it pushing Katie in the stroller while they play and they are in plain view the entire time. A lot of the time they ride their bikes around the track with me.
  20. eandelander

    eandelander Well-Known Member

    If you don't mind them not playing in grass.... I grab some active toys such as balls, bubbles etc... and we go to the tennis court.... it is fenced in and there isn't usually someone there... if there is they will just play in the one next to us... ours are fenced in single units, but most places don't go anymore than fencing them in to two courts..... with about 4-6 altogether......

    my girls love it and they just run and run, and I don't have to worry TOO much.... the fences are so HIgh to that if they just want to run, I stand by the gate just to make sure no one else walks in there
  21. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    My boys are 21 months and I still cant go by myself. One reason is because they prefer to run away rather then play on the equipment. The other reason is if they do play on the equipment, one may go to the big winding slide and I have to help him down and in the mean time, the other is either running away or running on the equipment that has open sides.
  22. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    I think you need to try it once and see how it goes. Mine, like other pp's have mentioned, don't run off and like to interact with each other or me. They listen well and know when they don't we are leaving!!!
    But I have a friend with twins that CANNOT take her's to the park alone as they CONSTANTLY run in opposite directions and have no regard for cars, dogs, etc.

    So take them and see which type you have :p
  23. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Honestly, at that age, it was really really scary for me. My girls have always gone in different directions and quite frankly it gives me a panic attack when we are out in a public place. The only thing that I have found now that really helps me is to really scope out the parks. There are certain parks that my twin group does meetup at that I refuse to go to because the apparatus is just too high or too big or has too many potential areas for injuries. The parks that I feel most comfortable going to with them by myself usually have the following criteria:

    must be completely fenced in with a gated entrance/exit (greatly takes away the fear of them escaping out of the park if you turn your head for a second to deal with the other twin)

    gym apparatus can not be too high or have too many openings (like where the bigger kids grab on to slide down a pole) or too high a set of stairs for them to climb (that was my biggest fear last year but now that they can climb stairs, it's not AS scary but I still get nervous and stand behind them).

    the ground material has to be something safe to allow for some cushion in the case of a fall

    i try to find playgrounds that cater more or less to toddlers. i personally don't like having the bigger kids running around the little ones. not that they do anything to hurt the little ones on purpose but they are just kids too and aren't always aware of how to be careful around smaller kids.

    hope this is helpful to you. i had to learn through trial and error. look around your neighborhood or even in other surrounding neighborhoods at all the different parks. find one you like and you are comfortable with and it will make things much easier for you. also, once you find a park you like, keep going to that one for a while. your kids will get lots of practice at climbing and sliding and the such. they will feel more comfortable too because they will become little experts. then you can try another park.
  24. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(JakeandPeyton @ Apr 25 2008, 04:29 PM) [snapback]739645[/snapback]
    You just do it...you won't know how they will be until you try.
    Mine might run in two different directions, so I go and grab one and run to the other. It's tiring, but they love the park!

    Yep, don't plan on holding a conversation. It's like a 500 yd sprint. :D

    I take my guys and they stay on the equipment mostly, but when they make a break for it I grab the fastest/furthest/most endangered one then get the other. At the park I go to the play equipment is set up weird so it basically has 2 sides. I make the boys stay on the side I can see. It may not be fair since they don't get to explore as much as they'd like, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
  25. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    I haven't braved the parks alone yet (of course our snow just went away last week or so!) but I actually emailed my local twins group and asked if any of the moms there had any advise on local 'toddler friendly' local parks. Much of the criteria that Melanie posted up above was mentioned when they replied!

    So if you belong to a local group, they may be able to help determine which local parks would be the easiest to take them too.
  26. mom of one plus two

    mom of one plus two Well-Known Member

    I got to a park atttached to a school. They are usually fenced in and so much safer. Other than that I am with one while I watch the other.
  27. knorts

    knorts Well-Known Member

    I agree with pp about "just doing it"! I always say to myself "man this is NEVER going to work"...but when forced to try something new, you have to figure out a system. Once you've done it a couple times, feels like you've done it 100 times. YOU CAN DO IT!
  28. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I have always done it....but mine 2 were not mobile until 18 months so when they were younger we simply 'played' on a blanket and/or both did the swings (bucket swing). a few 'rules' I follow when alone are

    1. not crowded (can see the girls better and less likely to run into/over by big kids)
    2. fenced
    3. feel comfortable with equipment

    We have several nice parks and I try to take both girls a few times a week. There are some parks we dont do unless I have someone else since they have larger equipment or are not fenced in. Some days are easier than other, but it works out. I do have to add- as PP said- depends on your kids and your comfort level. My 2 are fairly easy to keep up with and like to stick close together ( lest the other one miss some fun!).

    Try it and see- that is the only way to know.
  29. Stephanie M

    Stephanie M Well-Known Member

    I have been taking my 22 month olds by myself for several months now. Two things are helpful . . . 1.) Go to a small park so that you can see all around it. 2.) Go with friends with their own children. You can always yell to see if they see one of your youngsters.

    Good luck and give it a try once. You may surprise yourself.
  30. natmarie

    natmarie Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Hillybean @ Apr 25 2008, 12:59 PM) [snapback]739161[/snapback]
    I say you just need to go for it - you might be surprised with how well you can handle it.

    I agree, you should try it and see what happens. When I have taken just my twins to the park I usually start them off in the swings. They love it and will swing for a very long time. Also the park I go to has a small young child's area with a few slides. For the most part, they stay pretty close together and where they should be. However, when I bring my 3 year old, that is another story...
  31. kimj

    kimj Well-Known Member

    Just did this yesterday!! Just me and the girls! What fun!!! I knew the park we were going to had open grass fields - and nothing to "fall off" of. There was a jungle gym that was too old for them, but they were pretty good. I deffinately didn't go there with relaxing in mind. I knew I'd be "runnin" - but with my girls - the more "freedom" I give them, the less they want - if that makes sense. There were other big kids there, and smaller ones. I could see the girls at all times, and just let them explore. If they go too close to something I knew they couldn't navigate etc. - I'd divert their attention. My girls are people watchers too, so they had a blast just watching the bigger kids. It was great great fun to have them laugh out loud when we were swinging. and they had these little rocker things that both girls could get on and off of. I know it gave them such a great sense of accomplishment to do this - I had the greatest time. It will be a regular thing for us now. maybe try it without too big expectations and you may be pleasantly surprised. even if you go to just an open field like a baseball diamond that's not being used at the moment etc. and bring a couple of big balls for them to chase around. it gives them running freedom and used to this, and you some piece of mind that there aren't obstacle that can hurt them etc. good luck with whatever you decide!! oh - have fun if you decide to do it.
  32. 2boysforus

    2boysforus Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(kimj @ May 19 2008, 12:51 PM) [snapback]781663[/snapback]
    Just did this yesterday!! Just me and the girls! What fun!!! I knew the park we were going to had open grass fields - and nothing to "fall off" of. There was a jungle gym that was too old for them, but they were pretty good. I deffinately didn't go there with relaxing in mind. I knew I'd be "runnin" - but with my girls - the more "freedom" I give them, the less they want - if that makes sense. There were other big kids there, and smaller ones. I could see the girls at all times, and just let them explore. If they go too close to something I knew they couldn't navigate etc. - I'd divert their attention. My girls are people watchers too, so they had a blast just watching the bigger kids. It was great great fun to have them laugh out loud when we were swinging. and they had these little rocker things that both girls could get on and off of. I know it gave them such a great sense of accomplishment to do this - I had the greatest time. It will be a regular thing for us now. maybe try it without too big expectations and you may be pleasantly surprised. even if you go to just an open field like a baseball diamond that's not being used at the moment etc. and bring a couple of big balls for them to chase around. it gives them running freedom and used to this, and you some piece of mind that there aren't obstacle that can hurt them etc. good luck with whatever you decide!! oh - have fun if you decide to do it.

    YAY! Congratulations on a successful day! :banana:

    Thank you all so much for the encouragement and words of wisdom. I still haven't braved taking them by myself yet, but have been making more of an effort to solicit the help of friends and relatives to go with me and the boys have a blast. They still go off in different directions and are too little for the playground equipment, but I am hopeful one of these days I can feel comfortable doing it on my own.
  33. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    The first time I took them to the park was horrible as they were running in opposite direction that because it was their first time. And then I have gone on to different park and found the one I really enjoy without so much stress. They do like the swing but they prefer climb and the slide now. But there were several different slide around the playground. A lot of time when they go down they don't fly off like in the old days. The more I take them to the park and certainly show improvement without running off because there are other kids that stick around too.

    D, w/Rianna and Justin (19 mos)
  34. Angela0580

    Angela0580 Well-Known Member

    I don't! That is why they are getting a swingset for there bday, and a few other outdoor toys (on top of the ones they have!) so they can be in our SAFE fenced in yard! And we can have friends over!
  35. mom of one plus two

    mom of one plus two Well-Known Member

    We go to a park that is fenced in and then we are with one while looking at the other.
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