taking them into a public restroom

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by AVAS, Mar 23, 2009.

  1. AVAS

    AVAS Well-Known Member

    Anyone else experiencing this scenario?

    I take the boys into a public "family" restroom. While I'm holding one on the potty the other is doing one of two things a) flushing the toilet that his brother is sitting on-scaring the pee-er of course! or b)waving his hand in front of the paper towel sensor and flooding the floor with towels. Then, while the second one is being lifted to the sink to wash his hands, the one whose hands have already been washed is playing with the toilet seat or little garbage can for sanitary products! And of course if Mommy takes the luxury of sitting on the potty I get the above mentioned activities all around me with the added bonus of someone unlocking and throwing open the bathroom door.

    A nightmare indeed!
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Are you holding said individual for sanitary reason? I guess I let them sit up there and makes sure they are washed up afterwards. I don't have that scenario going on. They are pretty well behaved when we are out.
  3. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Luckily for me, whenever we were in a public bathroom at that age, we were still using the stroller. (In fact we're still usually using the stroller!) So I could keep one strapped in while I held the other one over the toilet.

    I have to hold them up -- otherwise they fall in, or nearly enough that it really freaks them out.

    Also luckily for me, mine have been pretty good about not messing with things when I tell them not to. (Though that's actually gotten worse recently -- it was better when they were 2.5!) But we do now have problems with them turning the sink on & off (since they can now reach it) and unlocking and opening the door.
  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Ah yeah, we go through the same thing here. Both of mine use the potty now so when we are out and one of them has to go, I'm constantly saying "don't touch that, keep your hands off" etc. I think people laugh at me and then it takes what seems like 15 min. for everyone to wash their hands. :laughing:
  5. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    Oh goodness, that is exactly how it goes for me! I hold mine because they stand to go, but can't really reach, so I hold them up standing...under their armpits. All I have to say about it is that it's a darn good thing they love washing with soap!!
  6. sulik110202

    sulik110202 Well-Known Member

    Your scenario is why I am avoiding using the public restroom with the kids when I am by myself. When DH and I are out and I only have one in there, it is a nightmare. How do you tell a toddler not to touch anything? It just doesn't work that well. I am at home with the kids now so I know I will have to tackle this issue sooner or later, but I am not looking forward to it.
  7. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(KJS @ Mar 23 2009, 08:16 PM) [snapback]1241436[/snapback]

    And that is why everyone ends up washing their hands when we go, even if they didn't use the potty. :lol: I swear a "simple" bathroom trip with twins takes 20 min. :lol:
  8. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    I'm starting to wish that every bathroom in the world had a step stool in it.

    I hate holding them up to wash hands, put on toilet, etc.

    Sometimes I take 1 of those little potty on the go toilets. but that doesn't work for me, so we still end up with "don't touch" and washing hands b/c I have to take them in there w/ me.
  9. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I hate holding them up to wash hands, put on toilet, etc.

    I carry hand sanitizer with me, and if it's too much trouble to wash hands at that restroom (sink is too high, whatever) I just use the hand sanitizer. Much easier. Or if I don't have it with me, I'll wet a paper towel with some soap on it and wash their hands with that. They don't have much trouble getting on the potties themselves. Oh and if you don't want the non-potty goer touching everything, I tell her to touch her nose, touch her ears, etc while the other one goes potty.
  10. Rachel P

    Rachel P Well-Known Member

    It does get a lot easier when they are tall enough to go in the potty by themselves. We didn't even start potty training in earnest until after 3 years old because they just weren't ready yet (and neither was I). My boys are pretty good in public restrooms now. If I have to go I threaten them with their lives if they try to open the door (they're pretty cooperative about that). What cracks me up is when they insist on going to the potty at the same time and stand there next to each other. It's so cute. I wonder how long that will last!!! My biggest frustration is my one that has to go to the bathroom every 15 minutes! I hate taking him to the store.
  11. frickandfrack

    frickandfrack Well-Known Member

    The sanitary napkin disposal box is the worst!
  12. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    Oy, this is one of many reasons the thought of PTing makes me want to crawl into a hole and hide!!! :eek: I swear, I'm going to send them to college in diapers!
  13. Holdentwins

    Holdentwins Well-Known Member

    I HATE PUBLIC RESTROOMS!! Ditto having a step stool in EVERY bathroom. I am pregnant right now with twins again (as a surrogate) so i am already out of breath and tired of lifting them to potty. Mine stand and cant reach just yet. I basically threaten the other one with their life if they touch anything! I have them hold my bag, or put their hands in their pocket. It doesnt always work, but it decreases the chances at least of touching EVERYTHING. What really sucks is when there isnt a handicap or family restroom and it is me with my big fat belly and 2 toddlers trying to fit in a regular stall! I hate potty training.
  14. agolden

    agolden Well-Known Member

    The above scenarios are the reason why I say (often) that I really don't want to pt my boys. Sounds like just a nightmare!
  15. Cindy H

    Cindy H Well-Known Member

    Yes, that is my experience as well. Plus in a few places...church usually...one gets out of the bathroom and heads down the hall while the other is taking care of buisness. Usually I can stop him but not always he is so fast.

  16. Faith00

    Faith00 Well-Known Member

    This is going to sound silly, but after having the normal experiences of the boys wanting to flush, or touch everything in public restrooms...I now tell them to put their hands on their head. I don't know why. Just one of those things that came to mind one day. We take swim lessons at the Y and I always have to pee and they have to go w/ me.

    Not sure what I'll do when we are actually potty training/ed. I'm another one of those moms' who is still getting ready for the challenge.

  17. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Yes, sounds about right. We always seem to find the stall with either a toilet brush, a plunger, or both (hello swordfight!) T&T dubbed the napkin cans mailboxes and always want to check for mail. :eek: We've talked about germs and how they make you sick so you don't want to touch all of the germy stuff but they don't care. I put them up on the counter at the same time to wash their hands if at all possible and then attempt to get them out the door before the lick the trash can. It's always a great time. Still beats the hell out of trying to use those rickety changing stations with a toddler running wild in the restroom, though!
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