Taking their diapers off

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by deniseandtwins, Feb 18, 2009.

  1. deniseandtwins

    deniseandtwins Well-Known Member

    Ok, so my twins are not quite ready to start potty training yet. They don't even have words for poo or wee yet, although they do make signs before they poo (such as hiding)

    Lately though, they have been taking their diapers off when wet or dirty. Sometimes I get to them before their diaper hits the floor but today it was just crazy! When I put them in their cribs they took them off all the time. I actually landed up having to wash all their bedding as my son took off his dirty diaper and it's contense fell all over his sheet! My daugher followed him and wet her crib! Needless to say that put an end to their nap time.

    So how do you keep your twins diapers on if you ever experienced this?
  2. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I started putting Kevin in a onesie (or an outfit with snaps on the bottom) and he could not get into those outfits to get his diaper off anymore. It was definitely a phase because he stopped doing it and I haven't had to dress him like that in a while.
  3. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    Yuck! My boys have never attempted this, I don't know why. I do put them in a onesie under their clothes most of the time (just a light undershirt) since it's so cold here - maybe that helps?
  4. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    Put jammies and/or sleepsacks on backwards

    I had to cut off the feet of PJs when I couldn't find footless ones. But it worked great for months!

    Also, duct tape on a diaper always works!
  5. kymbahlee

    kymbahlee Well-Known Member

    My little girl did this too at around 20 months, so we got the potty out. She has nearly completely toilet trained herself now (she is 23 months). She doesn't say wee or poo, she grabs her knickers, says quick quick and runs towards the toilet. Mind you, it is summer here so we just let her run naked pretty much for 2 months and have lino floors so accidents didn't matter much. Oh, and she had a big sister to copy. And there was only one of her! Good luck, they might be starting to get ready too!
  6. Eyler07

    Eyler07 Well-Known Member

    Duct Tape. A roll of Duct Tape. That's what we used - it has to be the good stuff too or it wont work. We just told them the diapers were broke and duct taped them over the tabs before they went to bed...after about a month of that, we stopped and it quit. Occasionally we'll find a diaper off but it's not as bad as it was.

    Good Luck
  7. Mum2TwinBoys

    Mum2TwinBoys Well-Known Member

    We use tape here. Molly has been taking hers off for months now and while she is day potty trained she is not night time trained.
  8. Rikki

    Rikki Member

    My girls started doing to the same thing. First we used Duck tape, but they learned very quickly to be quiet and then they could wiggle themselves out. Luckily they sleep in sleeping bags and I just put them on backwards. My girls are just over 2. I would like to potty train them but one of them is scared to sit on the potty. I can't wait to get them out of diapers!
  9. Orestia

    Orestia Well-Known Member

    We haven't moved up to duct tape yet, currently we're using clear packing tape (the wide kind with the thin film). If you get it too thick they can peel it off pretty easily. The thinner the film, the better it seems to stick to itself. Masking tape has also worked well for us too!
  10. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    I put the diapers on backwards while we are running around playing in the house. For naps Jack sleeps in a sleep sack and Lily, my main stripper, sleeps in shorts and a t-shirt but has yet to strip during naptime. Putting the diapers on backwards works well for now but I am sure we will eventually have to use onesies again, which I am dreading :(!
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