Taking off her diaper...UGH!!!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinzmom2b, Mar 19, 2007.

  1. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Reagan has been getting naked every time she is in her crib. The only thing saving me right now is the fact that she can't get her onesie undone. If there is no onesie on her, she takes EVERYTHING off. With summer coming, I cant' always keep her in a onesie AND an outfit...she'd be too hot.

    I know that some suggest putting the diaper on backwards...well, when she takes it off she basically just keeps pushing and pulling at it until it stretches enough that she can take it off like a pair of pants. She doesn't even need to undo the tabs. So, putting it on backwards won't stop her.

    Is my only option going to be to duct tape her nap and bedtime diaper on her?

    This is so frustrating. At least I have one kid that LIKES to wear her clothes!
  2. lana123

    lana123 Well-Known Member

    Hi Becky

    I put Rachel's jammies on backwards...I twist the feet around if footed and luckily several pair have no feet. Of course it doesnt work if they snap in the crotch...I just avoid those to avoid a huge mess. Good luck ...

    Mom to Joshua and Rachel
    18 mo
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    You can just put her in a onsie for naps - no outfit, just the onsie. That's what happens around here a lot!! Otherwise you are going to have to put suspenders on her diaper or something [​IMG]
  4. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    We do backward jammies (the zip-up footie ones) here and, yet, have resorted to changing into jammies for naps. I already cleaned up pee-pee incident from naptime nakedness, and I'd rather change into jammies for naps a million times than cleam up one poopy crib mess!
  5. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    If she can't get her diaper off when she's wearing a onesie then in the summer I would switch her to a onesie for naps and bedtime. But, who knows, by summer she might figure out how to get the onesie open. Otherwise, I think duct tape might be your only option. Like Bettie said, I'd rather do that than clean a poopy crib. Bleck [​IMG]
  6. Disney747

    Disney747 Well-Known Member

    I have one that is also now doing that. I have been putting his sleepsac on backwards. Works great for nap and bed time. I also just went online and got them both a summer weigh sac.
  7. lrothrock1

    lrothrock1 Well-Known Member

    Both of my girls do it! I pin them at nap time and bedtime, that way they can keep there day clothes on at naptime. Even if its a diaper cover, I just pin the front and the back, and they can't get them off. Just Friday, they were wearing zip up sweatsuits, and our babysitter didn't think about were to pin them properly. So, I came home to 2 naked babies that hadn't napped, and had finger painted in their room with you know what!!!!

    Good luck!
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