taking off diapers

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Gimena, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. Gimena

    Gimena Well-Known Member

    My ds has decided to take of his diapers in the morning. I tried putting them on backwards..didn't work..
    I tried using a bigger pull up on top..didn't work...
    any ideas?
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    How is he taking them off?

    Is he undoing the tabs? If so, tape them down. People use duct tape, but I actually preferred to use the Satin scotch tape because Alice's fingers couldn't grab the tape to pull the tabs.

    Is he pulling them down? I think in that case, a barrier that covers the legs and prevents the diapers from being pulled off works, so a zippered pajama pinned at the top or with the feet removed and flipped around backwards.
  3. LMW1015

    LMW1015 Well-Known Member

    My little munchkins are doing this too and driving me insane. What I have done is use duct tape (although that tape above might work too). I put the diaper on pretty snug and then tear off a piece long enough to cover the front and both tapes. I also stopped using the zippered jammies (could try the safety pin idea but my two are too sneaky they'd probably figure out how to open it and hurt themselves). I have them wear the snug fitting top and legging jammies now. I also (on advice from the hubby) started giving them an m&m each morning if they still had their jammies on. After a week of that they leave their jammies on and forgot about the candy. LOL I was a little apprehensive about candy in the morning and bribery - but hey it worked. LOL They still take off their pants at nap time sometimes but seem to be leaving their diapers alone better. Good luck - this phase sucks!
  4. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Duct tape didn't work for us, we had to get zip up PJs, cut the feet, and put them backwards... the Children's Place ones have a little tab at the top that hide the zipper too so he can't take them off.
  5. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    we were able to have them wear zipper PJs backwards w/o cutting off the feet... they just twisted at the ankles. of course if they are a tight fit it might not work.
  6. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    My one son was not taking off his diapers, but sticking his hands down them when he pooped and then freaking out and smearing it everywhere to get it off his hands. :unknw: . I went back to putting him in onsies under his clothes. I had to buy them from Amazon because I could not find them in stores in his size but it was well worth it. Most stores only go up to 24 months but I was able to get 4T's.
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