table food! help

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by gizmodad, Aug 22, 2012.

  1. gizmodad

    gizmodad Member

    My girls are 11 months and eating well since 4 to 5 months. We are wanting to know when they can eat the same things we do. For instance. We had lasagna for dinner, could they eat that would i just cut up or should i grind it up? Do you have foods you would recommend? Any help or advise would be appreciated. One of my girls has 4 teeth the other don't have any teeth yet.
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My son is 9 months old. We started him on solids at 6.5 months. He has no teeth. We've only ever given him table foods/what we're eating, he's never had purées. It's amazing what those gums of theirs can do! We give him large prices of food & allow him to bite/gum off what he wants. We basically followed the Baby Led Weaning approach (weaning meant in the British sense of starting solids). There's tons of info out there if you want to google it. Good luck!
  3. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    I would definitely try of my boys had a HORRIBLE gag reflex, and couldn't eat even things chopped up small until more like 14-15 months (for example, diced peaches from the fruit cups, EVEN if I cut them in half again, still made him gag). So we didn't do table foods for both of them until they were both ready.

    I know lots of people who start table foods with their kids from the beginning, so give it a try and see what happens! I tried a few bites of things every couple of weeks until my little guy seemed to do okay, so if it doesn't go well, don't get discouraged - just try again in a week or two or with different types of foods.
  4. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    My girls have been eating table foods for a few months now, depending on what it is, I grind/blend up all the meats otherwise it is too grainy for them. The vegetables I tend to just cut up into rough pieces and let them help themselves while I feed them. We give them things like lasagne, bolognese, roast chicken or lamb with vegetable, chicken casserole, baked salmon, cauliflower cheese, meatballs - as I said earlier, I tend to grind up the meats especially as one of the twins who had surgery also has a habit of not chewing her food very well (just swallowing as in too much of a hurry lol!) so it can build up in her narrow oesophagus and she end up bringing it back up whole again!

    I've even given them stirfries (blended), cheese and tomato on toast, they love cheese! As I make most of their food in batches (roast pumpkin, sweet potato, peas, zucchini etc) and freeze it in small portions so often I will just mix this with quinoa, rice flakes or mini pasta for a quick meal and a meat free meal might include beans (kidney, mixed, cannelini, butter etc), or even scrambled eggs with the vegetables.
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