swollen testicle

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by greymom, Apr 14, 2007.

  1. greymom

    greymom Well-Known Member

    I'm wondering if anyone has seen this before. Tonight, as I was changing the boys before bed, I noticed Coleman's right testicle looked a little tiny bit swollen. It looked like he had a blue vein that was enlarged. When he coughed the vein seemed to move. Any idea what this is?? I'm kind of freaking out because we put him him to bed and now I'm worrying about it. He didn't seem like he was in any pain and when we poked at it, it didn't bother him. Any ideas??

  2. kerrmommy

    kerrmommy Well-Known Member

    My immediate thought is that if its not bothering him, not to worry. If it seems like it is bothering him you may want to get it looked at. My neighbors boy was crunched in the crotch a few months ago by a dog and he developed a minor infection which caused it to swell and some amount of pain (I know all this only 'cuz they only have one car and I drove them to the pedi)
  3. mandylouwho

    mandylouwho Well-Known Member

    Hmmm...I have never noticed this on my boys..but because they are boys they do play rough....do yours? Id watch it over the weekend, and then see what happens. If it wont go down, maybe call the doc to ask...maybe this is something that happens too boys...(Since we are woman...who knows this stuff??LOL) Good luck!! And I agree, if its not bothering him, I would not worry too much.
  4. GrayHeathmommy

    GrayHeathmommy Well-Known Member

    I would have it checked out, since it sounds like an inguinal hernia. Luckily my boys have not had it, but many (well 3...) of my friend's sons have had surgery to have it repaired. It occurs when part of the small intestine drops into the scrotum. I know one of the boys, who was 3 at the time never complained about it, and my friend wasn't sure about it since it came and went. Luckily she took him to the doctor. It is quite common I suspect.
    Good Luck
  5. whosermomma

    whosermomma Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't worry about it tonight if it isn't bothering him, but I would put a call in to the doctor to be safe tomorrow.
  6. vansmudge

    vansmudge Well-Known Member

    This happened to my son when he was 4. After a bath one night I noticed one of his testicles was swollen but he said it didn't hurt. The next day I checked it again and the swelling had gone down and it was just hanging lower than the other one. I brought it up with the pedi at his next appointment and she siad it was likely a hydrocele issue and she referred us to a specialist who confirmed this diagnosis. It's nothing major (in fact, it's common in boys but mostly before a year old) and it does require surgery (which is also minor and no big deal). We had it done when he was 5.
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