switching formula from bottle to sippy cup

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Kerry1976, Jul 23, 2007.

  1. Kerry1976

    Kerry1976 Well-Known Member

    We are on 3 bottles a day, one first thing in the morning, one before their afternoon nap and one before bedtime. I was wondering when you switched breakfast and started solids first and then bottle? I think I would like to start them on solids first thing and then offer the bottle at their morning nap instead. They are eating 3 very good meals a day and a snack here and there if they are fussy in between.

    At 9 1/2 months, is it too early to give them solids first then bottle later?

  2. Hillybean

    Hillybean Well-Known Member

    We just started solids at the same time as sippy at 12 months. I waited till I got the doctor's ok at their well visit.
  3. Stephanie M

    Stephanie M Well-Known Member

    My ped. actually suggested this at their 9 month appt. However, it would not work for my little ones because DS wanted something in his mouth as soon as he wakes. I always go get them out of bed with a sippy. Good luck making the transition.
  4. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    I have always fed food first and then the bottle. At 9mths old I give a bottle when he first wakes up at 5:30-6 and then I give him food with a sippy cup of water for breakfast around 7:30-8, lunch at 11 and then a bottle between 2-4 (depends when he wakes up from his nap, he needs to eat something right away), and then we have dinner at 5-5:30 with a sippy cup of water. Then we give him a bottle at 7 which is his bedtime. We have be doing this since about 8mths or earlier.
  5. i4get

    i4get Well-Known Member

    Kerry: We are right there with you! I know I won't be able to replace the 1st bottle for awhile but I am thinking of transitioning them from at least the "snack" one at 4pm. (We do bottles at 7am, 11am, and 3 or 4pm.) Dinner is at 6pm and is just a meal with sippys. They are doing great on this routine.

    I think it is completely up to how your kids act when they first wake up. Try it one morning and see what happens. That's the only way you'll know. I KNOW my boys would flip if I tried to give them a cup in the AM. They are starving in the AM, so fooling around with a cup would not make them happy. I plan to pretty much continue what I'm doing and possibly replace the lunch and snack bottle but I'm not dead set on it. At 12 months, we'll work on cutting bottles (possibly cold turkey).

    If your babies can tolerate it, I say go for it. You'll know soon enough if it will work. Shannon
  6. Kerry1976

    Kerry1976 Well-Known Member

    Hi Shannon...our morning routine goes like this...I get them up and put them in their rocker chairs and they watch Treehouse while I get their bottles ready. They are always eager for it and down it in about 2 mins! They are quite patient and never fuss for it. I think tomorrow I will try cereal first to see what happens. It can't hurt to try right?! I figure since they are almost 10 months old that it's time to slowly wean them off the bottles so that by the time they turn one we are down to two bottles or even one bottle and two sippys.
  7. i4get

    i4get Well-Known Member

    I just realized my boys were born on the same day as your babies. Too funny! Yes, if they aren't fussing, I say go for it. I have tried using the sippy for their lunch and snack. They never balk. Honestly it's easier with a bottle though. I don't know about you but I end up drenched in milk when they drink from a sippy. Their favorite thing to do is to take a big gulp, then slam the cup down on the tray...spraying me with a fine mist of formula. :D

    Good luck! Hope it goes well. Can you believe it's almost birthday time??

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