Switching bottles

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by ckreh, Jun 24, 2008.

  1. ckreh

    ckreh Well-Known Member

    We are thinking about switching bottles when it comes time to move up from the 4 oz. ones. We registered for the Playtex drop ins, which we love for the 4 oz. botttles. However, I don't like the cost of the liners. We go through a box of 100 liners a week, so it got me rethinking bottles for the switch to bigger bottles.

    My sister used the Dr. Brown bottles, but I just remember her complaining about washing them all the time. We don't have a dishwasher, so I don't want to spend my evenings washing bottles. I think that is why we picked the Playtex drop ins bottles, but never thought about how many liners per week verses the cost. So I am wondering is there any easy to wash alternative? What do you use?
  2. bstone716

    bstone716 Well-Known Member

    We used the Drop-Ins too and loved them! Same situation as you...

    A friend gave me a bunch of Avent bottles from her DS, so I sterilized them and bought new nipples. I really like them a lot.


  3. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    We tried both, but used drop-ins mostly. Cody will only use the drop-ins. We buy the generic liners for 4 oz, but have to spend $ to get the playtex expandable for the bigger bottles. He uses 8 oz & powder so by the time we make it it overflows in the regular 8 oz liners.

    Honestly, you will still be washing no matter which bottle you choose. I liked the liners better because my husband is not the best washer in the bunch. I hated the thought of milk sitting in regular bottles for so long & then not getting very clean.
  4. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    We use drop-ins. Remember they will use fewer liners when they use fewer bottles. We're at 5 bottles/day of 6 oz. each. That's 70 liners/week. I found Target brand to be the cheapest.
  5. TFine

    TFine Well-Known Member

    We used the plain simple gerber bottles. They cost less that $1 each and have minimal parts to clean. Now we use playtex sippies and have just as many parts.

    We tried Dr. Browns and hated them. Way too many parts and then later we found out they were not BPA free. If you are concerned about BPA that is something to consider in your planning as well.

    Good Luck, I hope you find something that works for you!
  6. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    We used the drop ins for awhile. Target makes their own brand that are equally good and half the price of playtex brand.
  7. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    Although I primarily bf, I used Dr. Browns the first few months for daycare. Loved the bottles...hated the washing...too many parts.

    When we switched, we went with the Gerber comforthold bottles...loved them. Just the bottle, the nipple/top, and the top that covers the nipple. It has a good vent system so it regulated air intake really well and when the boys were ready to hold their own bottles...these were really easy for them.

    I will be getting a few extra to use this time around and just bypass the Dr. Browns all together.
  8. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    We use Walmart brand Parent's Choice. They are BPA free and cheap; $2.97 for a set of 3.

    We started out with the Playtex Airflow and hated the extra parts. We then switched to Avent and those leaked like crazy. I wish we would of started out with Parent's Choice, it would of saved us a lot of money.
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