Switch to cloth diapering at 1 year?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by E&Msmom, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    Has anyone switched to Cloth diapers once the babies got to a year (or older)?

    We never cloth diapered before becuse I was working full-time and there was no way my DH was willing to deal with that LOL
    Now that Im home 5 days a week, a friend mentioned she was making the switch and it made me wonder if anyone had done it this late in the game...

    Im also wondering do cloth diapers make potty training easier? Or it doesnt matter what type of diaper, its the child who decides when they are ready.
  2. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    I did!

    I think the girls were closer to 16 months even. It's been pretty smooth sailing.

    Gotta go finish making dinner, but it's been good :)

    I had attempted when they first came home (disaster!) but now that our routine is more stable and I'm not healing from a csection it's been good from the get go.
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    It might actually help with potty training down the line! It's a good question!
  4. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    I don't have any answers, but I've had the same question. I'd like to switch to cloth during the day at one year for the reasons you mentioned. However, I don't know if it works.
  5. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    My girls have definitely been showing signs of readiness to potty train. They are definitely more cognizant of when they need a diaper change vs when they're in disposables (we use those when out and about), which I directly attribute to the cloth diapers. I was getting set to give PT a whirl when I started my new job and have been working crazy hours so didn't want to add the stress of PT on top of it all.

    I talked to the pedi about potty training at their 2 yr appt. and he told me I'd probably want to wait to try but after hearing some of the signals they've been giving me, even he said to give it a shot. If it doesn't work, we'll try again later!

    Plus added bonus...I'm saving $$ not buying diapers each week and the trash needs to be taken out much less frequently :D
  6. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    We have been cloth diapering since about 3 months of age. It's been a great experience and I don't have any regrets. We love the Bum Genius line of diapers, though it's a personal choice. I found that after about 15 months, they boys were too squirmy and peed too much for pre-folds. But, that's just my personal experience. :) Feel free to PM me if anyone has any questions-- I think I have tried almost every cloth diapering combination on the market!
  7. andrew/kaitlyn/smom

    andrew/kaitlyn/smom Well-Known Member

    We didn't really CD DS until he was a little over a year (disposables gave him a diaper rash in the car, and we were planning a 15-hour trip to Indiana, so something had to change). Now I couldn't live without them. Plus, DS was toilet trained by about 2.5, DD1 by 2 and the little girls know when they're wet and will tell me (or just try to strip down). I think they are definitely worth it.
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