
Discussion in 'The First Year' started by audie522, Mar 13, 2008.

  1. audie522

    audie522 Active Member

    I will be going back to Baby's R Us this weekend to register and wanted to know if it makes sense to get 2 of each for swings/bouncies and also that little seat that vibrates. For anyone who did get 2 were they both used or for someone who only bought 1- do you wish you had bought 2? Everything is so pricey so I am trying to not overspend! Thanks for your help!
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I had two bouncies and two swings, and they were well used!
  3. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    We have two of each. The baby swings are used a lot, glad we have two. The bouncy seats, well haven't used them yet, but glad we have two on hand.

  4. lindsay084

    lindsay084 Well-Known Member

    same as PPs! swings and bouncy seats are well used around here too!!
  5. tishahodges

    tishahodges Member

    same here. we got 2 of both and we use them like crazy. the boys sometimes feel like swinging in their swings and sometimes they would much rather their bounces. we only registered for one bounce and one swing but ended up with 2 bounces and 2 swings....so it worked out.
  6. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    My boys did all their naps in their vibrating bouncies for I don't even KNOW how long! We only got 1 swing until we knew if they were going to like it, which they didn't for quite a while, & now there have been times when I wished we had 2...but no point anymore! We're almost having to pack it up, but I'm hanging on til that very last pound b/c they still sleep so well in it!!!!! We're about to pack up the bouncies, too, but still use them a bit for feedings b/c ours still have a touch of reflux.

    FYI, if you buy 2 bigger items at BRU, you get the twin discount. That may save some moola!
  7. laurajrad

    laurajrad Well-Known Member

    We have two of each and couldn't live without them. Actually, we have three bouncers because that seemed to be what everyone wanted to give us for some reason. We use them though.
  8. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    Definitely two vibrating bouncy seats...these were a life saver.

    We also had two swings which were great but after my boys turned 5 months, they wanted nothing to do with but before that we used them ALOT. Maybe buy one of these and see if they like and if they do, buy another.
  9. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We had two of the bouncy seats, but only one swing. This worked for us.
  10. rensejk

    rensejk Well-Known Member

    Two bouncy seats are a must. You may be able to get by with one swing. We had two swings and it was a lifesaver sometimes. You can always sell the stuff as they grow out of it.
  11. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Audra Leigh522 @ Mar 13 2008, 08:23 AM) [snapback]666844[/snapback]
    I will be going back to Baby's R Us this weekend to register and wanted to know if it makes sense to get 2 of each for swings/bouncies and also that little seat that vibrates. For anyone who did get 2 were they both used or for someone who only bought 1- do you wish you had bought 2? Everything is so pricey so I am trying to not overspend! Thanks for your help!

    We originally registered for and got one swing and two bouncy seats. We have since bought a second swing. We are using both swings and both bouncy seats all the time. The babies sleep great in the vibrating bouncy seats during the day, and the swings are a Godsend for calming them down when they are fussy.
  12. caryanne07

    caryanne07 Well-Known Member

    We have 2 of each. Definitely have to have 2 bouncy seats! It was nice having 2 swings but not a real must. However, we have 2 of these: Graco Swing N Bounce Swing. It is a bouncy seat and a swing! We love them. A good space saver for us. You just take the "chair" right off and it becomes a bouncy.

    Here's the BRU link
    Graco Swing N Bounce Swing
  13. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    We registered for two bouncy's and was given a used one by a friend, so we have 3. We also bought a used swing and they love them both. RIght now Jake is in the swing and Josh is in the bouncy.

    If you are going to register for 2 of each, try to get a different bouncy & swing for each baby. This way they have a variety.
    I switch them from one bouncy to another throughout the day.

  14. jakeandpeytonsmommy

    jakeandpeytonsmommy Well-Known Member

    I had two of each, and they were well used.
  15. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We have two of each, mine love the swing and pretty much live in them-they havent caught on to the bouncers yet but they are more portable so we use them if we go from room to room and let them hang out at the dining room table while we eat dinner or in the kitchen while we do dishes etc...I suggest two of each for sure.
  16. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    I was given most things. But there are great places to by them used that look nice if you aren't given them. I have 2 bouncy which saved us. They were different designs to more variation. I only had 1 swing but mine never liked it too much.
  17. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    We had 1 swing & 2 bounce seats and it worked out great because at times one wouldn't like the swing and the other one would.
  18. sulik110202

    sulik110202 Well-Known Member

    One swing, two bouncies. My DS never really liked the swing and would only stay in it for short time periods, so only having one wasn't a problem for us. I would think it also depends on how much room you have. Is your home large enough to have two of everything?

    You could always register for two of each and only open one. Keep the other in the box with a receipt and return it if you don't think you will use it.
  19. ejiran

    ejiran Well-Known Member

    We have 2 swings and 4 bouncies. All different styles. We keep 2 bouncies and a swing upstairs and the same downstairs. We definitely use all the bouncies. we don't use the swings as much, but we do use them in both places. My husband even took the vibrating part off one of the bouncies and hooked it to the crib and that really helped the kids fall asleep at night in the early days :) . We got all of these from garage sales. There are a lot of bargain hunters in my family.
  20. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    We have two swings and they got used a lot. We haven't been using them as much lately, but for the first 2 months that was just about the only place they would sleep.

    And I say register for two. Put one together and if you decide you don't need that second, you can return it and buy something you do need. (Like diapers!!)
  21. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    We bought 2 swings and a papasan chair at a Mothers of Multiples sale. We bought a second papasan new. We use them all the time.
  22. redheadcruz

    redheadcruz New Member

    QUOTE(Audra Leigh522 @ Mar 13 2008, 07:23 AM) [snapback]666844[/snapback]
    I will be going back to Baby's R Us this weekend to register and wanted to know if it makes sense to get 2 of each for swings/bouncies and also that little seat that vibrates. For anyone who did get 2 were they both used or for someone who only bought 1- do you wish you had bought 2? Everything is so pricey so I am trying to not overspend! Thanks for your help!
  23. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    I had four swings, and they were worth EVERY penny!!!!! Though I did get them used at a consignment store/twins sale. We had two set up downstairs for naps, one in our room for ds and one that was foldable and could go anywhere we went :laughing:
    We also had two bouncies only needed one, I only used it for the first 3 months with dd, ds hated it!!!
  24. redheadcruz

    redheadcruz New Member

    sorry- still learning how to post here :). We bought the swings "frames" that the twins car seats would click into- they are about 1/2 the cost of a regular swing, and they are extremely portable to boot! As for bouncers, we did buy 2 of them (they are less pricey). Extremely happy with these purchases as both twins are often both occupying either their swings or their bouncers. Our babies are now 6 months and we are still getting great use out of both! Hope this helps
  25. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    We're weird -- I don't like swings much (the motion makes me sick just watching it, LOL), so although I have one, it's been used a total of maybe five times among my three kids.

    But, we have two regular bouncies, and two of those infant-to-toddler rockers that look like bouncies -- all of them were lifesavers.
  26. gottagiggle&twins

    gottagiggle&twins Well-Known Member

    I had two swings and two bouncy seats and was glad for it. The vibration stuff never did a thing for my kids, though, so if I had it to do again, I wouldn't care if they had that.
  27. plattsandra103

    plattsandra103 Well-Known Member

    I only bought one of each to begin with, and then got another bouncie seat, since that was getting the most use, and the swing wasn't such a hit till later, when we had the jumperoo

    so 2 bouncies, 1 swing, 1 gym, and now 1 jumperoo and 1 excersaucer, we would just rotate rotate rotate all the live long day, but now they live on the floor
  28. meliz812

    meliz812 Well-Known Member

    I don't know what I'd do without two swings. They're great when the girls wake up a little too early for my liking in the morning, lol. We have two bouncy seats, but they never really got into them. They didn't like the Papasan because it didn't "do" enough for them, but they like the one that plays music and lights up a little better.
  29. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    Everyone told me not to get 2 of each but I did. The first 2 weeks home DS hated his swing but then the 3rd week he loved it. We went to a consigment shop for the swing.

    They do make ones that are a swing and then you can take it off to be just a bouncy chair and then later a rocking chair. Investments like that make it worth it so you can get alot of use out of it.

    ETA- They use the swings more now but they used the bouncies the first 3 months. They go through phases
  30. smiley_ca1

    smiley_ca1 Well-Known Member

    We have 2 swings (both 2nd hand) and 4 bouncy chairs. I have a 3 level house and we keep 2 on 2 levels.. that way we don't have to carry them up and down, and there's always someplace to put the kids down. Wouldn't have it any other way. If we were on a one level we'd just have 2
  31. pgmummy

    pgmummy Well-Known Member

    One swing and two bouncies. We got the swing used because I had heard of many babies who didn't like it and they are about $120-149 new here. $40 for a very nice used one. If you are going to use the swing early on you need a nice seat that reclines, the cheaper models don't recline that much.
    At first I used the swing a lot to keep one child amused while I fed the other one, now they are too smart for that trick!
  32. mar66rus2

    mar66rus2 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Audra Leigh522 @ Mar 13 2008, 12:23 PM) [snapback]666844[/snapback]
    I will be going back to Baby's R Us this weekend to register and wanted to know if it makes sense to get 2 of each for swings/bouncies and also that little seat that vibrates. For anyone who did get 2 were they both used or for someone who only bought 1- do you wish you had bought 2? Everything is so pricey so I am trying to not overspend! Thanks for your help!

    I had two bouncies and two swings. The girls are 7 months and they only use one of the swings now....they were so-so on the other one (borrowed), so I gave it back to my sis who needs it now. We are still using the bouncers we got from my shower, but probably not much longer.

    They were much needed and used though.

  33. Stephanie1074

    Stephanie1074 Well-Known Member

    We have 2 of each and I wouldn't have it any other way! They are well used! We got the bouncies from yard sales & craigslist for about 10.00 total and we got 1 swing on craigslist in like new cond and 1 new swing...so, you don't have to spend a lot, but you will be glad to have two!
  34. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    Swings and bouncy seats were essential here too, I would definately get two they will get lots of use.
  35. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(caryanne07 @ Mar 13 2008, 09:40 AM) [snapback]667057[/snapback]
    We have 2 of each. Definitely have to have 2 bouncy seats! It was nice having 2 swings but not a real must. However, we have 2 of these: Graco Swing N Bounce Swing. It is a bouncy seat and a swing! We love them. A good space saver for us. You just take the "chair" right off and it becomes a bouncy.

    Here's the BRU link
    Graco Swing N Bounce Swing

    I have these too. Great space saver.
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