
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by bkpjlp, Jun 10, 2009.

  1. bkpjlp

    bkpjlp Well-Known Member

    I have a 3 yr old (turned 3 in Apr) and the twins turned 1 in May. We're going on a family vacation next week, but DH and I can't figure out how to take all 3 swimming. All 3 will equally need our attention and hands. I bought a floaty thing (like a floaty exersaucer seat - if that gives you a mental image) that a baby could sit in. I would keep a hand on him still. Should I buy 2 of them? One for each boy? Otherwise I can't imagine trying to hold 1 squirmy baby and keep a hand on the other in the floaty thing while DH helps our toddler.
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We bought a similar thing for our twins last year. I would definitely buy two, so then you can just pull each one (with each hand) along in their floats. Good luck!
  3. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    As long as you're in a calm swimming pool, two floaty things would probably work for your twins. Just make sure you've got a hand on both of them; I've seen those things tip over when active kids kick and play. If you're going into a pool where there will be lots of other kids swimming, or into the ocean, I would think you need to take one child in at a time while the other adult stays out of the water with the other two.

    Have fun!
  4. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    we have a pool in our backyard and DH and I have both taken the kids swimming on our own, it is NOT easy and you must be very careful but it can be done. We do have those floaty things that you sit them in, but unfortunately both of mine hate being in it, so that didn't work for us. So I put lifejackets on them and I carry and hold both of them while in the water. Actually mine like to sit on the edge of the pool and play, so I sit in front of them holding both of their legs. it is not ideal, but it does work for a bit. Perhaps you could try a lifejacket for them - especially your 3yr old, as she might be able to "help" with the kids, so that would keep her in the same direct area, but you might not need to be holding her the entire time.

    perhaps also bring lots of sand toys (and good snacks), so that 2 of the kids can sit with one parent on the sand and play while the other parent takes turns taking them for swims.

    When we take them swimming by ourselves we always have one hand (ok, its actually a death grip!) on each of them. And, if they start to act up or not listen then swim time is over - its a little extreme, but they have learned to listen quite well now.
  5. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I also think two of the floaty things is a good idea - one for each of the twins. Maybe you could also get some floaties or some type of floatation device for your 3 year old too, just to keep them all busy if nothing else.
  6. lifeisgood

    lifeisgood New Member

    I was at the beach a few weekends ago and noticed a couple with two children--a 1 year old and possibly 2 year-old. They had brought a small blow up pool and had it right by the pool. The baby was having a ball in it. I imagine they filled it with some water from the pool. I thought it was a great idea! Hope that might help.
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