Sweating like Crazy

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by violetcaille, Jan 14, 2007.

  1. violetcaille

    violetcaille Active Member

    Now I remember sweating at night late in my pregnancy with my DD, but I have experienced nothing like this. I wake up several times a night shivering because I am so drenched from sweating! I keep having to change and put towels on the bed. Its so gross! And I am barely 10 weeks pregnant. Weird! ANyone else experience this? Is it normal? Any tips on dealing with it? Thanks and sorry for the TMI!
  2. violetcaille

    violetcaille Active Member

    Now I remember sweating at night late in my pregnancy with my DD, but I have experienced nothing like this. I wake up several times a night shivering because I am so drenched from sweating! I keep having to change and put towels on the bed. Its so gross! And I am barely 10 weeks pregnant. Weird! ANyone else experience this? Is it normal? Any tips on dealing with it? Thanks and sorry for the TMI!
  3. Liangebaby

    Liangebaby Well-Known Member

    Hello Rachel, it's been 23 days since my sons were born via C-section and every night since then I have experienced sweating in the night time which my OB said was due to my hormones and my body working to get back to normal. I did not experience sweating during pregnancy like you now but perhaps your sweating could be something similar to mine?
  4. mhouse

    mhouse Well-Known Member

    hi Rachel, i'm either sweating or freezing while i'm sleeping and i'm 11 weeks, it's probably a hormonal thing...
  5. HelenClyde

    HelenClyde Well-Known Member

    I didn´t sweat that early in my pregnancy, but now I do! Just like you say, I wake up at night and am so wet I feel as if I just came back from shower - and sometimes, when I´m half asleep, I wake up, shocked and thinking that my water broke because the sheets are so wet - which was always false alarm, thank god.

    I remember sweating so much AFTER my singletons pregnancies, but not during.

    But if you also know that, it´s maybe one of those twin things...
  6. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    I was SO hot at night that I only slept in a light cotton tshirt and a sheet - otherwise I was soaking wet. There are differences in cotton, btw. I threw a couple of shirts away that were cotton but sure didn't seem to breathe. They really made me sweat!
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